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I was reading a Plummer book the other day.A chapter on breeding (terriers)was discussing the merits of breeding a bitch in first season.According to Plummer who was mainly a teller of stories I know but nevertheless well read,It is considered a good idea by American breeders because the pelvis is more supple in a young bitch and they can cope with a litter depending on the individual bitch.

Now I know from a working dog point of view it is out of the question,but i also always thought it must be bad for the young bitch.Now this chapter got me thinking.Why does nature make the female fertile if it is going to make her ill to be pregnant.

I have bred bitches before that were over six years old and were still bewildered by what was happening and ive bred 3year old bitches that behaved like old hands.

I havnt bred loads and am a novice breeder but am facinated by the subject and so only put this up for discussion and not a lecture on why only proven dogs should be bred from.I am coming from a health point of view only which is why i put it in this section.

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