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Whoops!! 9 points on my license, and an offensive weapon in my handbag!!

Guest foxyjo.

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If you can show it would cause extreme hardship to lose your licence :whistling: like no other transport for work or unable to care for someone who relies on you :whistling: providing its a minor offence you can have the full 12 points without a ban :angel:

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If you can show it would cause extreme hardship to lose your licence :whistling: like no other transport for work or unable to care for someone who relies on you :whistling: providing its a minor offence you can have the full 12 points without a ban :angel:

That actually happened to a mate of mine. His father had had a stroke and relied on him. :thumbs:

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Guest foxyjo.
If you can show it would cause extreme hardship to lose your licence :whistling: like no other transport for work or unable to care for someone who relies on you :whistling: providing its a minor offence you can have the full 12 points without a ban :angel:


mmm..that's what a couple of friends have said, that 12 points doesn't necessarily mean a ban. Do you think the school run counts?!! :whistling:

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carry an opinel at all times.Use it for work and hunting its hardly as samarui sword





my opinael has twist collar which "locks" it out........surely the bastids are gonna claim its a lock knife too and caution ye for that...


i have couple o knifes in car.....plastic sheath blue handle jobs canna mind name of them.....


i claimed they were for humane dispatch o deer at a road traffic accident and also for safety to cut seat belts in event of an accident also



copper just looked and walked back to his motor......hehehehe fecking up ya ....!!!!!

power mad gits all of em



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Next traffic offence would mean that you will be reported for what ever the offence at the time was, then a court date through the door.

Up to the magistrate to decide what punishment you'll receive. Ban would be the option here, (bummer really) if your earlier points were for speeding?

Magistrates tend not to listen to the excuses now. Reason for this, well too many road users driving without insurance!

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Yesterday, was not a good day...


I had to go to court as I was contesting a heap of points on my driving license. :whistling: and have been flapping about it for weeks. Anyway, I drove the whole 100 miles up there, (very slowly!!), got there in good time and composed myself to look like a responsible mother and driver.


As I went into the court building, a security guard asked for my bag, and I had to walk through a metal detecter, which naturally I set off, turned out to be my "fight the ban" wrist band!! Anyway, the guards starts going through my bag, asking if I've got anything sharp in there. "metal nail file? Nail scissors?"

"nope." I reply confidently


"No tweezers or anything like that?" he asks


"No!" says I, (as if I would have a pair of tweezers in my handbag!! Pish! That's for girly girls)


He starts pulling out the odd item, hoof pick, :icon_redface: nicotene patches, toy car, one glove, etc. and I start to feel a bit of a prat! Then I suddenly remember the knife :icon_eek:


I mentioned that there was my penknife in there somewhere, which he pounces on with great delight. To cut a long and rather embarressing story short, a policeman was summoned, my details were taken, and I had a caution for carrying an offensive weapon!! :wallbash: Jeez...it could only happen to me!! :laugh: I had to tell them what it was for...I stuck to opening hay bales, and sacks of horse food...and had a stern dressing down for carrying a knife in a public domain.


I had the most terrible urge to laugh, and in the end, gave in and just stood grinning at them both like an idiot!! My poor little knife was confiscated and apparently was doomed to instant destruction.


I know I'm a fool. :icon_redface: Perhaps I should have realised I'd get searched, but I don't spend much time in court rooms! :blink: To me it was just a little pen knife. Its always in my bag or pocket, has been for years.


All I could think was, thank god it wasn't the knife of great beauty and wonder I bought from Sean on here!! THAT is a knife!! :laugh:


Oh I'm a tit... :unsure:


Anyway, the day got SOOOOO much worse!! I was given a nasty little heap of points, which did not make prizes. The lump of stone presiding asked what my other 3 points were for, to which I replied, "Speeding. But my dog was dying" He gave me a look of complete disgust, and said that did not justify speeding. (Does in my book).


Now I have 9 points on my license :angry: Does this mean one more misdemeanor and I loose my license? Or is that not necessarily the case? Does anyone know? Everyone here has got conflicting opinions. :wacko:



Feel for you........ :cry:

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If you can show it would cause extreme hardship to lose your licence :whistling: like no other transport for work or unable to care for someone who relies on you :whistling: providing its a minor offence you can have the full 12 points without a ban :angel:


mmm..that's what a couple of friends have said, that 12 points doesn't necessarily mean a ban. Do you think the school run counts?!! :whistling:

slow down mate or you will be looking on ebay for a mountain bike. :whistling::whistling:

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