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Could a Lakeland Patt or Russell defend itsself from a coyote?

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yes Black and Tan they do above ground if they can catch them. foxes were I live are pretty close living in yards, hay stacks, ditches, culverts and old farm yards to stay out of the coyotes way. The coyote lives in brush and slews in the fields and only goes to ground to have pups or if chased there. They are no good under the earth. I would put my terriers on any game below ground as that is why I have them. I am responding to the original post saying that above ground a terrier will lose and below he should win maybe a little tore up but a winner non the less

How about two terriers?

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well above ground I had two terriers and a BMC on a coyote the other day and they held it till I could catch up and dipatch it but they would have been lunch if the cur was not there. Under ground I have only used one terrier but would send in back up if needed. I like my dogs to dispatch there own game above ground and my terriers could not kill a coyote above ground so I have not purposly tried a terrier on coyote above ground. The only reason for the misshap the other day was that the coyote food source (gophers) have gone into hibernation for the winter and the yote pups are being driven out of there parents range due to lack of food. The yotes are everywere looking for food. The one the dogs caught was in a haystack in my yard. It ran about a mile before I caught up the BMC stopped it three times the third time the terriers were able to help her. I have seen a jack fight a yote in a garage and defend its territory but it was damaged pretty bad. I will say that I hunt my dogs alot and like people that hunt know that it always goes oposite of how it is planned so I might one day have a solo terrier on a yote above ground just has not happened yet.

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