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carcass disposal

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not sure if this is the right place for this, if its not i apologise.


i was wondering how you lads dispose of your fox carcasses. do you bury them, leave them for the carrion birds or bag them up and bin them?


also id be interested to know if you bother to take the skins

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Nature is a wonderful thing...


....at the right time of year.......


A rabbit will disappear to skin and bone in 24 hours (if Charlie doesn't take it completely)!


A fox will go in 2-5 days!


And a full grown Roe in 6 days, usually leaving nothing but a bit of spine, odd clumps of fur and perhaps the odd hoof!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest JohnGalway

I shoot most every corner in the back end of nowhere. So, I can pretty much leave the fox where he falls. If I think someone will happen along that way I find a discreet ditch or swampy patch and deposit him there.


I appreciate people here shoot over much more travelled lands than I do, if I were seen burying a fox here they'd call the men in white coats to pick me up :yes:

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A fox in the freezer.....Bloody hell my wife gave me a hard time for putting some sweetcorn and hemp seed left over from a summer carp session in our freezer!!!


I dont tell her if I put maggots in the fridge, I lie and say its luncheon meat.


But a fox??????????????



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A fox in the freezer.....Bloody hell my wife gave me a hard time for putting some sweetcorn and hemp seed left over from a summer carp session in our freezer!!!


I dont tell her if I put maggots in the fridge, I lie and say its luncheon meat.


But a fox??????????????




I've just put a Muntjac fawn(a couple of days old)in the freezer,so I can have it mounted.........lol.......Martin.

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