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Vintage Ammunition

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Hi all, just picked up a small batch of old .375H&H ammunition from Kynck - thought I'd show you it!


You can see how the sides and bases are sealed up - this is lead btw...



Each lead package contains 5 packs of 5 x bullets as shown, and each has the bullet weight and type hand-written on the outside in fountain pen- which is a nice touch!


Now I've no idea if this stuff is collectable or even shootable, I just had to have it! But with an open pack of five bullets.....will it still be shootable?





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If they have all been sealed since they were produced and the powder inside has not deteriorated( I know it is impossible to tell) they should be fine.


Mind you, we are talking 70-nearly 80 year old ammunition here!


There is only one way to find out, put them in a rifle and pull the trigger. Beware! With ammunition of this age, Hang Fires can easily occur, if the gun doesn't fire immediately, keep it well into the shoulder for at least 30 seconds, or you'll end up with a broken collar bone!


Did they come from Peter Lawman by anychance?



SS :thumbs:

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Hi folks, tell you what, you 'put me on it' (Peckham Pussy) and I'll eliminate it with one of these!




I've not met Pete Lawman, but have heard his name before, can't place it, but no, these didn't come from him - why, does he have some for sale?


As for the bullets - it's a toughie really, but since I've got an open pack of five, you just know that these will be discharged at some point, and when I do I'll take a video camera and show you how they turned out - how's that!


Have a great day folks!



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my dad has a H&H .244 mag the round for which is essentially a necked down .308 win case. they only made these for a few years as a few saudi princes and hugarian bearded boar bashes accidentally put the .308 rounds in, they slid home, pulled trigger and got the best part of a hand crafted bolt and action in their face. H&H realised they were killing too many folk so stopped making them......but all the Ammo i have used with that is in exatly the same style and type of boxing and will prob be from around then.


i have dropped red,roe, sika, fallow, boar etc with it and nothing has ever twitched after....never has a misfire, or got a bolt in the face.


it should be fine but i would run one through a rifle before you put them for sale if thats what you plan.

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It's the same ammunition - I just looked at the open packet and it's got the same tear and all sorts - sorry folks, I didn't buy it from him, got it from Ammo-zone, but it's the same!


Didn't buy it with a view to selling it on, just thought it was a nice curio to keep hold of, but I'm certainly going to shoot some and will video it for you when I do (end October when I'm back from QZN.


Cheers all!



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