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Anyone seen this before??

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Was out today for a walk with the dogs, and on my way home i heard a screaming noise coming from behind a bush, as i went round i seen a weasel and a brafor fighting it out, within minutes the weasel was dead and the brafor was the victor with hardly a scratch on it, has anyone else seen anything like this??

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Was out today for a walk with the dogs, and on my way home i heard a screaming noise coming from behind a bush, as i went round i seen a weasel and a brafor fighting it out, within minutes the weasel was dead and the brafor was the victor with hardly a scratch on it, has anyone else seen anything like this??


yeah, few years ago now, but seen 2 weasels going at it, screamed like feck.


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Was out today for a walk with the dogs, and on my way home i heard a screaming noise coming from behind a bush, as i went round i seen a weasel and a brafor fighting it out, within minutes the weasel was dead and the brafor was the victor with hardly a scratch on it, has anyone else seen anything like this??



Brafor?? :search:

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Guest mucker
Its a joke lads, "Whats a brafor?" holding yer tits up! :rolleyes:


Try asking the question when in company of a few pals and after a few beers, you always get someone asking after a minute or two whats a brafor?

i had a hunch jack but not before checking a coupe of search engines and coming up with"Did you mean

bra for? :icon_redface: it was late... :D

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