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Any one know of people geting there working terriers retriveing!!.Sent mine out to try and pick up a winged canada!!.Did not go 2 well!!! :haha: .Just interested in any one ellse trying there hand at retriveing with terriers!!?.

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My Jrt will take back widgeon and teal and pigeons to me, in a fashion, i dont think she would win any trials though, just a quick question to all, is this what you would want in a terrier, ie take birds back to you or would you rather they mauled them and then left them?? This may seem like a silly question but whilst out shooting pigeons in a barn my dog was taking them back to me, whilst the other shooter with me was calling the dog soft stating "its a jck russell it shouldnt be taking them back to you it should be killing everything it meets.

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Im new 2 working terriers so dont know 2 much but i think a good intelligent terrier could be trained 2 do both!?.Maybe people that are a old hand with terriers might b able 2 shed a bit of light!!?.

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Well it happened in the local boozer afterwards, and to be honest they were just on the wind up, but it can be fair to say they succeeded!


Most of my pals dont shoot or work dogs and there conception of a terrier is something that just wants to eat everything it meets, and it did piss me off to be honest but there was little point trying to reason with 6 ignorant c**ts at the time, i just waited until the next weekend when i knew he was away south and phoned him up and told him i had just seen his bird leave with some other bloke, cruel maybe, but im of the understanding that you can say what you like about my wife, you can say what you like about my family but if you slag off my dog you will hear from me :diablo:

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I have a few JRTs who have gone to people who do alot of shooting, the Jacks do pretty well with small birds (ducks, pigeons etc) & will retrieve them, i think this is part down to training & being reared with the owners working Labs though :) one dog is really just a small wee thing (too small for fox work) though his owners take him out on shoots all the time, he helps bring what he can back by dragging it LOL :D

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