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The donator rule was scrapped and to be honest I don't think it would make a jot of difference as to whether the rules were adhered to as people don't read them and can't be arsed to post simple things like a price and location.....................

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The donator rule was scrapped and to be honest I don't think it would make a jot of difference as to whether the rules were adhered to as people don't read them and can't be arsed to post simple things like a price and location.....................

it stopped a lot of arse holes putting adds on

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have bumped this again because there is still people not putting price and location so if there is no price no location they will be removed A.S.A.P



ALSO READ THE RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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bump. I may be known as a snitch now as I have reported a couple of threads lol. make you guys life alot easier. whatever people say about the mods they are a good bunch and they keep this whole community running so good job guys :thumbs:

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There is a pinned topic at the top of the page regarding the rules for posting. Within the next 24 hours I will delete without warning any thread that doesn't include a price, location etc.


Fair comment, but what if you forget, can you add it on reply or will it still be deleted. Ive advertised before and forgot to put the pirce (yes im a pleb on times) and just added it as reply.

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I have usually pm'd or posted on the thread asking for more details, by all means edit the thread if you have forgotton, some people genuinly forget and others can't be bothered to read the rules. Zero tolernace will happen very soon as we have been more than patient ;)

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