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alcohol problems

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Okay, so my g/f currently has a problem, on a few of her walls :whistling::boxing:


Thankfully she hasnt noticed the latest one, how i dont know.....i for one believe it is caused by my alcohol fuelled rants.




Im a cider drinker, and lately when i have been on the stuff, i have been very moody & aggressive. Although i have never lashed out on another human being. Its mainly, lamp-posts, hedges, walls, etc....... I dont fear that i will lash out at someone else, let along my "women". Im simply just not a women beater. But my subject here, is how do you kick a habit?


I used to drink most nights of the week, until i had an "accident" with a lampost. And spent the night in A+E with a nasty foot. And truth be told, i scared myself with my own pain thres-hold, knwoing the lampost would never drop for me, i STILL let loose on it :icon_eek: until i couldnt kick any harder. And when a bloke in a car (whom i know) asked me where i wanted to go, i simply replied "somewhere peaceful"


After that incident i curbed the drinking, till weekends.... But now im slipping a bit. im putting it down to boredom (its not an "excuse") with the quiet, still & moonlit nights.I've drank 5 nights out of 7 in the last, well, 7 days. I've had a lot going on in the family, which i think plays a part in my drinking, but is not an excuse, as only i can make choices for myself.


and yes, as im typing, i have had a few cans


Soooo, anyway..... Does anybody have any advice on "kicking the habit" (except for the obvious, use your will-power etc....)


advice & constructive critisism welcome ) :D

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Well admitting you have a problem is the biggest hurdle , i live with a bloke who sinks the weekly safe limit for a bloke in a single night , but he dont think its a problem , if he has no drink because theres no money to buy it , he is moody & snappy by night 2 of no cider


Its hard to live with sometimes , i am not a drinker , can take it or leave it personally, i usually choose to leave it , i can only say one thing really


well done for addmitting you need help , try AA i am sure they will help

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Guest smashygadge

i had a problem first to admit and give up .

infact ive had more than a few .

but ttotal 3 years now .

give it up waste of money and ruins lifes

seen too many go in the last couple years threw it

in one way or another .if its past enjoment go hunting lol :thumbs:

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Most people gotta hit bottom before they can come back up, sounds more like depression to me mate.(i work with the mentaly ill ) .The first step is being honest with yourself and others which you seem to be doing.Then see your doc, I know that might seem like faliure to most men but trust me it,s better than having a can of bow as your best and only friend..MAKE SURE you dont dismiss this when you wake and are sober as you,ll just keep repeating the cycle..ATB sulurian

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in the same boat bud thats why imreplying at ths hour went out lamping earlier to try stay off the tins but stilll had to aver the few when i got in thing is tomorrow morning youll b no drink tonight thats it im off it then by 1 youll be maybeill have 1 r 2 then by 6 youll be saying sure every other lad is down the town watchin the matchs or in the bookies havin a few so why not but im def off it monday,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,




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Guest hyperion

i am and have been a heavy drinker! though ive just got home ive only had three pints tonight!

the best thing to do is just stop drinking for a while, i did three months, then just carry on not drinking as much as you did!

its not about will power its about changing the way you live, instead of going drinking i just go shooting!

good luck chap!



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I lived with someone who drank then used me as the punchbag.(not Mr Sweepy)

Its not the nice life.

You wake up each morning knowing at that night you could be going to bed crying.(if your lucky)

you stop going out because the chances are your meet up with friends who drink. You also stop inviting people round incase they bring drink with them.

birthdays and chirstmass you hate.

You hide their money, You water down their drink you do anything to survive. As in the end thats what it come down to .

Now years later i get asked by people why did i not tell anyone. And why did i put up with it .

I have always been the type of girl that took no shite from any man.

The reason i stayed for so long was because it was the drink and not him that did these things to me.And every morning he promise me he would change And like a fool i believe him.I ended up thinking it was me that had problem And i desevered everything i got .



Am one of the lucky ones.In the end i did have the strenghth to walk out of that door. The lot of people who live with someone like that (men to its not just women)Have not been so lucky.

Sorry to be so blunt. But i hope this morning you do still feel the same way . If so you are doing the right thing before it could get out of hand . Well done young man.


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I didnt have a drink problem as in addiction Ij ust loved getting pissed :thumbs: Cider was my drink of choice after a while I drank less and less and finnally gave it up dont miss it .now Ihave the odd shandy Cider is notorious as loopy juice try to drink something less pwerful and wean yourself off good luck

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Can only agree with whats been said so far,My circumstances 48 yrs REALLY heavy boozing, But a lot of the time i couild drink so much/heavilly (maybe like you) I genuinly got fed up of it. I could then go Tee total for ages till i got fed up of that, These swings continued years and I like tio think they kept me alive, I have done the Rehab bit, Doctors advise, (kidney/liver) bits a few years ago, But sometimes its hard to take advise,

You have to do it YOURSELF but its great you have recognised that. It would be well worth trying my system ie stop a bit drink a bit, Till you master it! For me 18 months ago 7 heart atacks , Regular visits to intensive care, Somebiody in Amsterdam hospital praying over me LOL. I SUDDENLY realised i had better cut back a bit! It was not a suddenly seen the light jobby it was Stop Or Die, I have now done 18 months REALLY steady and if i fancy one i have a drink but cant say i really enjoy it, Although i do miss the crack surrounding drink/pubs Etc. In this day and age I think you are a really brave guy asking about it, And hope it will help to read these replys etc, But at the end of the day its down to yopu, All i am saying is dont leave it too long YOU know it needs sorting, I left it a bit last minute

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  mrs sweepy said:
I lived with someone who drank then used me as the punchbag.(not Mr Sweepy)

Its not the nice life.

You wake up each morning knowing at that night you could be going to bed crying.(if your lucky)

you stop going out because the chances are your meet up with friends who drink. You also stop inviting people round incase they bring drink with them.

birthdays and chirstmass you hate.

You hide their money, You water down their drink you do anything to survive. As in the end thats what it come down to .

Now years later i get asked by people why did i not tell anyone. And why did i put up with it .

I have always been the type of girl that took no shite from any man.

The reason i stayed for so long was because it was the drink and not him that did these things to me.And every morning he promise me he would change And like a fool i believe him.I ended up thinking it was me that had problem And i desevered everything i got .



Am one of the lucky ones.In the end i did have the strenghth to walk out of that door. The lot of people who live with someone like that (men to its not just women)Have not been so lucky.

Sorry to be so blunt. But i hope this morning you do still feel the same way . If so you are doing the right thing before it could get out of hand . Well done young man.




The hiding of money bits very true , thats what i have to do but they borrow money from others , i have found bottles of all sorts off gut rot , cheap crap empty cans that i know havent been brought by me hidden in the house , laying in bed all day only to surface 20 mins before afternoon shift , then sitting up till 4am on returning home, its an existence not a life

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i was a drinker 1s vodka and was a twat when pissed i would start shit with my wife. and kid`s would get up set so my wife video`d me 1 night and showed me the next day. and i felt like shit after watchin it.i havent had any for over 5 year now. still have a few cans tho but dont get drunk coz it nearly reacked me marrage and my kid`s hated me for it. not worth losein my family over a bottle. all i can say mate is cut down and you will stop 1 day take 1 day at a time :thumbs:



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Guest little lurcher

brave for speaking out!!! , take each day at a time and set yourself very small targets, change some of the habits surrounding when you drink , you will find it hard but think of the pleasure in your familys eyes and how much better you will feel about your self


go look in the mirror and tell yourself what you want to do and believe in yourself


good luck

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