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Deben & the MK1!

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Just had a long conversation with Deben re the MK1 locator.

The guy was quite helpful but it went as follow.

Deben no longer service or have parts for this model.

Production was stopped about 3 years ago and all parts have now gone!

It was made for them, under licence, and is patented to them.

They will not provide any information on the electronics in the box because of this.

They do not know anyone who can service.

The MK3 collars work with a MK1 box to 11feet, but you, obviously, have to recalibrate dial to suit.

MK1 collars do not work with a MK3 box!


I did say that as there were a lot of people who still like the MK1 could they not think about servicing again.

The reply was along the lines of, as we now have the MK3, and and improved version with 'leather collars' (at last) we hope people will upgrade!



Must be a niche for someone with an 'electronic mind' to rip one apart and have a go at providing a service offer?

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I've had them looked at by an old lad that was into T.V. repairs he could check them over and calibrate them as good as new, the old electrical shops may have some one capable but doubtful they would bothered anymore.Its be mentioned many many times about not being that hard to copy but no ones come close yet, well not for ferrets

Y.I.S Leeview

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I work for a company who make level indicators & i asked them ages ago to have a go at coming up with something but they wernt really interested to be honest , i may ask them if they would look at an old mk1 & see what they think about any servicing

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Must admit to giving a 'broken' one to a electronic wizz mate who said 'I will have a look at it for you'

Still waiting but will obviously post if he manages to fix it!

He said they aint rocket science but he just needs some time on it.


well its a shame if the mk1's cant be serviced , there must be someone out there who could do it for a small fee

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I have found someone who makes MK1 collers from scratch just had 2 delivered i must say they are the really good, he is 3/4 of the way from making the mk1 box aswell, i will ask him this week if he can service the mk1 this week, if any one would like a coller they are £35 plus postage, but he can only make 2 a week so please be paitent thanks

anthony :thumbs:

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I have found someone who makes MK1 collers from scratch just had 2 delivered i must say they are the really good, he is 3/4 of the way from making the mk1 box aswell, i will ask him this week if he can service the mk1 this week, if any one would like a coller they are £35 plus postage, but he can only make 2 a week so please be paitent thanks

anthony :thumbs:



do you have any pictures of them ?

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