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Extreme Marksmen

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Has anybody else seen this program? I watched it last night, some bloke threw a washer up in the air, and shot a .22 round, clean through the middle of it! :icon_eek:


Then later on in the program, somebody else was shooting polo mints out of the air with a bow!


Crazy stuff! If you haven't got Sky+, keep your eye out for it on the History channel, over the next week or so. :thumbs:

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Some of us have only got bog-standard council-TV malt :no: Sounds good though,polo with a bow?Reflex-shooting :)

I think the history channel is on freeview as well Mack, :hmm: not 100% sure though.


The archer also done the 'Robin Hood' shot, and split an arrow with another arrow. Took him all of about 4 shots though! :laugh:

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watched this last night some wicked shooting on there! the sniper that hits the target at over 1/2 mile was good and the guy who split an arrow with another arrow :icon_eek: and the guy with the 6 shot Smith and weston who takes (12 shots) 6 shots reloads and takes another six shots on target blindfolded in under 6 seconds :notworthy:some of the shooting was unbelievable!

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watched this last night some wicked shooting on there! the sniper that hits the target at over 1/2 mile was good and the guy who split an arrow with another arrow :icon_eek: and the guy with the 6 shot Smith and weston who takes (12 shots) 6 shots reloads and takes another six shots on target blindfolded in under 6 seconds :notworthy:some of the shooting was unbelievable!

Amazing mate, wasn't it? :thumbs: Fired 6 shots, reloaded and fired another 6 in under 3 seconds, with the blindfold off, and fired that semi auto pistol at more RPM than a machine gun! :icon_eek:

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