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fitness programs

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there seems to be some a lot of work that goes into most the dogs on here to get them to the peak of fittness what are your secrets ? what does your programs involve


what types of food ?


hi many time a week do you train on lure ?


hi many miles a day do you do with your dog ?


what type of ground do you walk them on grass or stone ?


do you train in water ?


ill give you a quick insight into my program it has done me well so far but any thing i can inprove on help and tips would be great


my dogs are feed of a barf diet of 50 per cent meat to 50 per cent veg includeing fruit and real nuts the whippets are on 2 and a half pound weight per day in one meal


i dont train on the lure at all just when they are racing is the only time they see it


as for miles now that it is the hunting season im doing up words of 4 miles on the bike and could be as many as 8 this is on one day the next day will be a quick walk of a mile then a bit of retriveing work and a bit of tug of war with a ball on a rope


most of my walking is done on roads


and now that the hunting season is now on us im out lamping 2 or 3 nights a week


so what is everyone eles do to keep there dog in prime fittness as aid this is a inight into what i do it works for me but any advice that would in prove my program would be great



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Mines only a pup, (12 months) and we're only just starting. It's my first running dog so I'll be interested in the replies you get.


Mine runs with me every night on the lanes, (I'm training for a run in october), when that's done and dusted, I shall be spending that time on my horse to get him fit and I'll have to train her to follow the horse. This will deal with her general fitness and toughens up her pads. Sh'es on 50% cereal 50% meat and scraps to try and keep up with her metabolism!!

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