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got to be a daystate airwolf best gun i have owned cant go wrong mate

Very nice choice in rifle camokid, I tried out the Daystate Airwolf and the only thing that I did not get on with was the fore end of the stock for some reason. This was due to it being a little to squared off, now this is my personal preference and others may like it, but as guns stand I'm a Theoben whore through and through :notworthy:

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:clapper: Liking the 40ft/lbs Molie. I always used to like the lighthunter actually I don't what made me go off them realy.



it just looked pretty to me in my old mans "air gunner" or whatever when i was a nipper! lovely looking thing with thumbhole/skeliton stock. not sure what i would use the 40ft/lb for, but im sure i could find sum bunnys really far away or squizzers up really big trees ;)



It would have to be a money no problem exercise...Falcon can only get these up to about 30ft lb, so, it's....throw away everything inside and get some serious custom work done if you want to make it to 40ft lb :thumbs:

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Falcon Lighthunter! allllllways wanted one of those!! but if money/law were no option it would have to be abt 40ft/lb ooooooh yes.

enjoy your 10 or so shots per charge then!lol. i've got an fn12 doing 18ft/lbs and i get 30 good shots per charge! :icon_eek: (thats why its at 18 and not higher!)still,a .22 20 grain at a18 lbs does stop rabbits nicely! :gunsmilie:

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i have always loved the daystate harrier but ive got my eyes on the s200 i think im going to sell my rifles and buy one they are great.

In about a week or so my mate will be back from his holiday and he has a .177 s200 for sale so watch this space :thumbs: He's not told me how much he wants for it yet but when I know you guys will be informed...

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