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Magpies are extinct


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In my garden thanks to mr Theoben :whistling:

LMFAO!!!! I did the same thing about 3-4 of weeks back and then all of a sudden they started to reappear in the trees and on the chimney pots again, So me and my King Ratty have been at the b*****d's again :D

Be patient mate because they'll be back again and a little wiser too. I'm now decoying them and it seems to be working a treat :gunsmilie:

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:) The only woodies left within a mile of me are the ones that aren't daft enuff to see free bread on the lawn outside my bedroom window and think 'oooh look free bread.... that looks safe'




I try to entice the woodies in but they are fly.The sit on the fence at the back.Although i rate myself a good shot im reserved at taking that shot.As a miss would mean a pellet through the folk over the backs window :thumbdown:

As for the maggies cheers lads i will await the second wave :gunsmilie:

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yippeee got myself another call bird this morning .

i decided that id try harder to get a call bird so i baited up my larsen again with eggs in a nest and a broken one just outside

and within half an hour i had him in the trap transfered him to another cage and reset the first one and low and behold within ten mins there was another one in the larsen

so i removed it and quickly dispatched it and reset the trap and came home maybe ill get another tonight befor i go out

oh ye and made a note to myself wear thicker gloves cos the gits dont half hurt when they get hold of ye

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yippeee got myself another call bird this morning .

i decided that id try harder to get a call bird so i baited up my larsen again with eggs in a nest and a broken one just outside

and within half an hour i had him in the trap transfered him to another cage and reset the first one and low and behold within ten mins there was another one in the larsen

so i removed it and quickly dispatched it and reset the trap and came home maybe ill get another tonight befor i go out

oh ye and made a note to myself wear thicker gloves cos the gits dont half hurt when they get hold of ye


Dispatch them with a pistol :gunsmilie:

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thats to easy and it will mean killing it in front of its mate or call bird and stressing them out even more

i have an home made dispatcher i use for chickens and turkey so i just catch em and remove em and go into my shed and one quick drop of the bar on my machine and its all over plus i dont own a pistol lol cheers mal

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thats to easy and it will mean killing it in front of its mate or call bird and stressing them out even more

i have an home made dispatcher i use for chickens and turkey so i just catch em and remove em and go into my shed and one quick drop of the bar on my machine and its all over plus i dont own a pistol lol cheers mal


Seems you got it covered and good point matey :victory:

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i was the same i had about 30 in my larsen and then it all went quiet and my call bird snuffed it now i can not get a call bird to save my life and there are 100s of the gits all laughing at me from the trees around

same happened to me mate asked a keeper friend to help me out and now he lets me have a crow or maggie when ever i need one, it pays to keep them on your side :thumbs: a bottle at xmas helps alot :drink:

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