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Thought id lost her

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I was out dogging my pheshants back yesterday morning with my usual squad of my 3 spanials and my two fells... it was our first frost of the year, a cracker of a morning to be out :victory: .... i got to the first bit not long after 7, it was a broom bank about 100 yards deep and about 400 yards long... I cast them off to start hunting, and with in less than a minute one of the terriers started to open up :tongue4: ,what a bonus, i knew this was no pheshant!!! she certainly wasnt far behind what ever it was, i guessed at a fox or a feral... they sounded like they were heading down towards the river... i lost contact not long after, i took the rest of the dogs back to the motor and returned to try and find her or some holes, i :search: searched and feckin searched, all to no avail... at this point my mind started to play silly buggars, i was even thinking she may have committed the sin of taking off after a roe or hare :icon_eek: By about 11 i gave up looking in the bank and took a drive around to ask the farmers etc to keep there eyes open... still no sign.... i returned to where i last saw her and started the search again, under the broom was devoid of life,not even a blade of grass, so i was expecting if i came with in 15 ft of a hole i should see it no prob, and sure enough my search paid off when i spotted a well kicked out and polished hole :clapper: i dropped to my knees and had a look :icon_eek: cry: :sick: it was completley blocked with kick back.. i thought the stupid fecker had only followed her game to ground and dug on and blocked her air supplie off, i cleared it sharpish and gave her a call, and sure enough i heard her banging about further along the bank, how happy was i !!! i got a good a mark aas i could as her stupid feckin owner thought there was no need for the bellman when he left this morning so back to old style it was, lucky it was only bout 2 ft or id have been struggling, i dropped in about 6 inch from her arse, took her out did the deed...... The bitch in question is well seasoned at her job but i was still well pleased that she stayed from about 7 30 till about 1 30 with out the sound of hounds , humans, or shovels n pinchs chapping away above.... jobs a good un happy huntin




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lucky going pal, i lost my seasend patt last week simmilair affair diggin on starved of air after a 5.5ft dig through solid clay to late , keep at um pal mk3

gutted for you, the thought of it was bad enough... simoman, certainly is!! only got permission on it a few days ago, just over the river from the estate... handy

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