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stalking rifle

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hi all! first time posting on this site, just wanted some info and advise from the more experienced deer stalkers (more experenced than me that is) im fairly new to deer stalking and am in the process of applying for a FAC. Now my question is what would be the most suitable calliber to use for red and roe deer? I'm quite confused weather to get the .243 the .270 or the .308? I be looking for an "all rounder" if that can be achieved. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Also I would realy like to go out with some one on a stalk, in return I have land to shoot on in cheshire which is beside a reservoir, this provides excellence canada goose flighting in the mornings! would be willing to take someone out as a retern favour. Thank you all!



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well if you want a all rounder , the .243 would be your best bet , its the smallest cartridge you an use on all deer species , .22-250 can only be used for roe so this means you will need another rifle too shoot reds , stick to the .243 great allrounder im sure there will be other views from other members so wait and see , im sure deker ,ss and mr logic will point you in the right direction they have done so for me in the past :laugh:

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.243 is a very good round but its heavy on the meat damage ,good for fox and deer but theres better cal if its just for deer. 25-06 .270 6.5 308 30-06 and the 7mm which you wont get but its about the best ,the 30-06 will take any thing we can throw at it in this country a beast of a round not for first timers i think ,good if your going abroad shooting, .308 is a good round shoots well plus plenty of differant ammo to play with and plenty of rifles to buy second hand going cheep. the .270 will do the job very well , 6.5 is a very good round its the one i would go for if i did not have the 25-06 that i have now ..so to have the best of both worlds i say go 6.5...you could go 6br 6ppc but there the same size as the .243 really and you may go down that road in time

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Go for the light recoil rifle as this will get you confident, i would recommend the .243 to be honest, or if your not too confident with this cal. then the 6.5x55. Is the next cal. of choice.......you've got to ask yourself this........what species of deer are you most likely to hunt......will the .243 be ample for these then yes....... light recoil and an excellent varmint cartridge to boot......

If red will be your main quarry then i suggest a 6.5x55.....if you lack experience.......the .243 will take reds no problem BUT shot placement is critical on large animals......as with any cal. but you will have the extra knockdown power if required with the 6.5 .

I suggest the .243 then get the experience in with it on the smaller species before attempting the reds.........good luck.... :gunsmilie:

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Go for the light recoil rifle as this will get you confident, i would recommend the .243 to be honest, or if your not too confident with this cal. then the 6.5x55. Is the next cal. of choice.......you've got to ask yourself this........what species of deer are you most likely to hunt......will the .243 be ample for these then yes....... light recoil and an excellent varmint cartridge to boot......

If red will be your main quarry then i suggest a 6.5x55.....if you lack experience.......the .243 will take reds no problem BUT shot placement is critical on large animals......as with any cal. but you will have the extra knockdown power if required with the 6.5 .

I suggest the .243 then get the experience in with it on the smaller species before attempting the reds.........good luck.... :gunsmilie:


thanks alot for the advice! I will most prob go for the .270 or the 6.5 becuse after a coupe of staking outings I will be joining a syndicate in scotland which has red and roe on it... its £600 for the year which you can split in 2 payments, sounds good so i will prob try it for 6 months first, good thing about it is you can take a guest up for a tenner! anyone intrested let me know i will pass on details!

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Go for the light recoil rifle as this will get you confident, i would recommend the .243 to be honest, or if your not too confident with this cal. then the 6.5x55. Is the next cal. of choice.......you've got to ask yourself this........what species of deer are you most likely to hunt......will the .243 be ample for these then yes....... light recoil and an excellent varmint cartridge to boot......

If red will be your main quarry then i suggest a 6.5x55.....if you lack experience.......the .243 will take reds no problem BUT shot placement is critical on large animals......as with any cal. but you will have the extra knockdown power if required with the 6.5 .

I suggest the .243 then get the experience in with it on the smaller species before attempting the reds.........good luck.... :gunsmilie:


thanks alot for the advice! I will most prob go for the .270 or the 6.5 becuse after a coupe of staking outings I will be joining a syndicate in scotland which has red and roe on it... its £600 for the year which you can split in 2 payments, sounds good so i will prob try it for 6 months first, good thing about it is you can take a guest up for a tenner! anyone intrested let me know i will pass on details!



Given the choice of the two cals. i'd personally go for the 6.5x55 it's a great round and has proven accuracy, a few i know who had the .270 traded them in as they just didn't like them..........i'd suggest you get a few shots in with each cal. before you buy if possible............ :gunsmilie:

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Go for the light recoil rifle as this will get you confident, i would recommend the .243 to be honest, or if your not too confident with this cal. then the 6.5x55. Is the next cal. of choice.......you've got to ask yourself this........what species of deer are you most likely to hunt......will the .243 be ample for these then yes....... light recoil and an excellent varmint cartridge to boot......

If red will be your main quarry then i suggest a 6.5x55.....if you lack experience.......the .243 will take reds no problem BUT shot placement is critical on large animals......as with any cal. but you will have the extra knockdown power if required with the 6.5 .

I suggest the .243 then get the experience in with it on the smaller species before attempting the reds.........good luck.... :gunsmilie:


thanks alot for the advice! I will most prob go for the .270 or the 6.5 becuse after a coupe of staking outings I will be joining a syndicate in scotland which has red and roe on it... its £600 for the year which you can split in 2 payments, sounds good so i will prob try it for 6 months first, good thing about it is you can take a guest up for a tenner! anyone intrested let me know i will pass on details!

Hi mate where about in scotland is the syndicate and is there a limit as to what you can shoot thanks

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it a long range rifle and the police dont really want any body having one unless you have a few yrs under your belt ..id love one my self but to ask for one and get it is another thing .. lets put it this way if you were good enough you could drop stuff out at 1200yrds :D

Edited by rob reynolds uk
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Go for the light recoil rifle as this will get you confident, i would recommend the .243 to be honest, or if your not too confident with this cal. then the 6.5x55. Is the next cal. of choice.......you've got to ask yourself this........what species of deer are you most likely to hunt......will the .243 be ample for these then yes....... light recoil and an excellent varmint cartridge to boot......

If red will be your main quarry then i suggest a 6.5x55.....if you lack experience.......the .243 will take reds no problem BUT shot placement is critical on large animals......as with any cal. but you will have the extra knockdown power if required with the 6.5 .

I suggest the .243 then get the experience in with it on the smaller species before attempting the reds.........good luck.... :gunsmilie:


thanks alot for the advice! I will most prob go for the .270 or the 6.5 becuse after a coupe of staking outings I will be joining a syndicate in scotland which has red and roe on it... its £600 for the year which you can split in 2 payments, sounds good so i will prob try it for 6 months first, good thing about it is you can take a guest up for a tenner! anyone intrested let me know i will pass on details!



Given the choice of the two cals. i'd personally go for the 6.5x55 it's a great round and has proven accuracy, a few i know who had the .270 traded them in as they just didn't like them..........i'd suggest you get a few shots in with each cal. before you buy if possible............ :gunsmilie:


I would second the choice of 6.5 x 55 over the 270 - Go fire them both - I can bet I know which one you will settle for. I have shot 6.5 for several years and assist a professional stalker - he recently changed over to 6.5 and wished he had done so years ago.

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