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the ones that are most accurate in your gun, most probable a deccent make domed. then shoot the brains out. cant go wrong then. oh and always go for 177 better penatration for sub 12flb.


what about pointed pellets? any beginner (like :icon_redface: me) would asume amiediatly that pointys give better penatration




Penetration is useful but you lack accuracy with these which is even more important. In addition, it is also about imparting all the energy into the quarry (as someone else has said) rats, small birds, whatever...if you go right through you waste energy!!


To keep it simple, domed will be the answer! :thumbs:


what about long range (30 yrds) rabbit and pigeon shooting (let me geuss, domed?) :icon_redface:

oh and thanks for all the tips :notworthy:

p.s wich is better 22. or 177., ive got a 22. gun but im just intrested


It has been said again already...if you are out further you need accuracy...domed!!!


...and the .177, .22 debate will go on long after we are all dust...the old adage is .177 for target an .22 for hunting...I favour .22...because I use the air rifle for hunting and it works for me..if you favour .177 then use it, but you will never get a definitive answer on calibre!

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