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slipped disc in a lurcher update

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Wondering if any one can help,


Had my dog to the vets, we think shes got a slipped disc, going to get a x-ray tomorrow to see if that shows anything up, she's doped up at the moment, but it doesn't look to good, has anyone else had anything to do with slipped disc, any info welcome good or bad


cheers smoggy

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mine herniated a disk. not sure if thats the same or similar, but it paralyzed her for three months. a year later she still isnt the same but she can walk and run, just has a drunken gate. she's a bulldog though and i'm not sure how much pain she is in because she's always been very stoic.

we could only afford to do acupuncture on her. the vet said surgery may or may not fix it and its an expensive "maybe" and he prefers to do it as a last resort. shortly after the acupuncture session she was back on her feet. we havent been able to get back to that vet for another session though i would like to.

if your dog is paralyzed then pay close attention to moving her legs for her else the tendons will seize up like rubber bands and she'll lose muscle and make recovery harder, longer, and more painful for everyone working with her, including herself.

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Just a quick update,


My dog is improving quite well but a long way to go, i think my seasons over all already this year.


To tell you the full story, she was out last saturday and had a hard day in the stubble :whistling: although very knackered was okay.


Sunday she was stiff (to be expected) but by night was fine.


Monday morning wife went to stroke her on her bed, big yowl out and wouldn't move, left her a while but when she tried to get up she was in alot of pain, but once she was up was not to bad. Took her to the vets they give her pain killers said it could be a problem either with a disc or a muclse in her back, if she gets no better come back wednesday,


Tuesday, no better getting a lot worse by night time


Wednesday, a lot worse, couldn't touch her back or neck with out her yowling in pain, back to the vets on the afternoon, they said it was proberly a disc gone in her back, only way to find out for sure was a expensive scan then operation. this was out the question (ain't got the kind of money they were talking about), they gave her a shot of morphine to settle her down and asked if they could do x ray thursday morning, see if that showed anything. so we took her home for the night. What a bad night up till 3.30am with her yowling and yelping.


Thursday morning stright back to the vets, couldn't get her out the car at the vets, and it was decided that the best thing was to put her to sleep either in the car or heaverly sedate her to get her into the vets then put her to sleep.


Cos i was parked in the high st i didn't fancy a crowd around so we sedated her and took her into the vets, there, one of the assisants and a vet asked if i would give her another 24hrs and leave her there over night as they felt it was a shame to write off such a young dog(coming up two) in such a short time, i agreed as long as they made her comfortable.


Friday phone the vets first thing expecting the worse, got told i could pick her up any time, came out tail wagging the lot, shes not out of the woods yet, still on high pain killers and lost a lot of condition, not allowed off the lead for a minimum of 6 weeks, got to take one day at a time, up to now since friday morning shes only yelped twice so fingers cross.


what a difference 24hrs make


atb smoggy

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ask the vet about hydrotherapy and if she would be a good candidate for it.

swimming helped my dog a lot. takes a lot of the weight off and doesnt jar the joints and spine.

oh! and glad she is doing much better!

i was getting worried when you mentioned having her put to sleep in the car! but i'm glad you gave her a chance!

all of my friends told me the day after my dog went down that she should have been killed right away. but unlike you described with yours, mine wasnt howling in pain at the slightest movement or touch. that all by itself meant something!

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