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Female Stag Beetle ?

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I will certainly try,I walked down there earlier,saw none,saying that its a little cold,its normally the warmer humid summer nights when they seem to be everywhere :) They are like coppers,never around when you need one,in swarms when you dont :D

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I came across this thread looking for a high resolution picture of 2 male stag beetles in the "Victory" pose.


You are just So lucky!

My moneys on it definitely being a Staggy, female, but it could be "Lesser" and we wouldn't know from the photo...


I found a female stag beetle this summer, the first live stag I've ever seen.


It feels natural to like them I don't really know why ';,,;'






She flipped on her back trying to climb over my keyboard, I flipped her back over and after that point she stopped being cautious. stagemote.jpg Any movement or noise would make her go into a defensive position. It wasn't easy to get that photo, because the grippy legs kept getting stuck.

Edited by Pinchy
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