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This mornings walk

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As I thought this morning was going to be a beauty, I took my camera along with me when I took my Deerhound x for a walk at 0600hrs. I figured that as the sun came up I could get some nice shots of her and possibly a couple of her running a rabbit or two. It was beautiful, mist lying low over the river and fields




As the sun started to creep up, I caught a nice wee sunrise shot followed by some nice portraits of Liana (including a few running shots)







Then as we headed for home, I thought I saw something a wee bit away.


There's a farm with a walled garden surrounded by a small wood and it's living with deer. Some of the locals try and poach it occassionally :whistling: but the family there are anti-hunting and feed the deer in their garden.

Getting closer, I saw 3 Roe feeding in a field next to the wood


Just then the farmer and his wife appears - "I hope you're not going to run your fcuking dog on the deer?" at which point I lifts my camera up (with a big feckin lens on!) and replies "What? This fcukin dog?" I then proceeds to explain that I'm a professional photographer (true) and that I walk my dogs here every day and often see the deer so I sometimes take a camera if it's good weather in the hope of getting a run, sorry I meant shot. "So, I'm away to get a bit closer and see what I can get" says I. "aye, okay" comes his reply. I pointed out that I wasn't asking his permission, I was fukin doing it! Pr1ck!

So, I takes a long walk, using some hedges, trees etc. for cover until we turn the corner of the hedge and we're about 50 yds away


This pr1ck was still a couple of hundred yds away watching, so I edged round the corner (dog on lead, of course - going feckin mental!) and proceeded to snap away. Although they had seen us, they stood for a few seconds posing in the early morning sun (the light was perfect!) until the dog trying to get over the fence scared them enough to feck off.







What a great way to start the day - I must try and get that close to them again - soon!

Hope you like the pics.

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Guest hpool_hunter

very good right up mate - and loved the pics - all i can say is * SLIP THE DOGGGGG* - my fave saying from the back of my mates van lol :whistling: , you may good a good shot * i mean run* one day , keep your eyes peeled for them farmers though :tongue2: , he might have a big lens on you next time .

Edited by hpool_hunter
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