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All this sniding on this post for me sums this site up......and before anybody starts,if i had no or little work for my ferrets and dogs i prob wouldnt keep them,but thats just me...im not going to preach to anybody else what they should be doing with their animals,if there being looked after...so what!!


Until this site becomes more sucure and i dont see this happening any time soon you are going to get all sorts from bullshiters to non hunters and not forgetting the scum antis...a sad fact but a fact all the same,now on one hand i agree with there shouldnt be a place for non-hunters on a hunting site but then if it was up to me the site would be more sucure for these reasons but its not,so Ian B runs the site the way he see's fit and until he wants to change things all the crawing aint going to make no difference to who comes on here.........if folk aint bothering me i tend not to bother them ;)

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hi just to say i do hunt i was out last night when my 11 month old collie cross caught his first lamped rabbit and returned it live to hand the best felling u can get after months of training all i was trying to say was banning people from this sight would only make us as bad as them

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Just to add my tenpence worth: I know that this is a hunting site, but to ban non hunting members seems to me a bit counter productive. After all, a lot of people come on here because they want to learn about how to hunt, or are simply interested. Yes, I know there are always going to be antis and dubious characters lurking in the background, but banning all non hunting members isn't going to make the antis go away.


We as hunters should be tolerant of those who do not hunt, and unless those people are actively trying to disrupt, ruin or in any other way harm our activities, we should try to be as open and helpful as possible. Like someone has already said: a lot of people get into hunting by first keeping ferrets and lurchers as pets.


True hunters have a wealth of knowledge about ferret welfare, husbandry etc.; to deprive the pet owners of that knowledge seems to me to be very spiteful.


I agree, the fluffy oochy coochy threads are a step too far from hunting to be welcomed on this forum but no one is forcing anyone to look at them!


Our ferrets are all workers, and if they didn't work we would find them pet homes, but that has never happened to us as we've been keeping and breeding from the same working line for years, apart from a couple of incomers who were also from working lines.


People get so bloody precious on here about their status as hunters: like IanB said, who the hell cares what people do with their animals as long as they look after them right.

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  paddy23362 said:
hi just to say i do hunt i was out last night when my 11 month old collie cross caught his first lamped rabbit and returned it live to hand the best felling u can get after months of training all i was trying to say was banning people from this sight would only make us as bad as them

and that moment will live in your mind for as long as your alive paddy, a feeling only another hunter can come close to understanding

Y.I.S Leeview

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[quote name='skycat' date='Sep 24 2008, 11:07 AM' post='679990 Yes, I know there are always going to be antis and dubious characters lurking in the background, but banning all non hunting members isn't going to make the antis go away.


We as hunters should be tolerant of those who do not hunt, and unless those people are actively trying to disrupt, ruin or in any other way harm our activities, we should try to be as open and helpful as possible.


True hunters have a wealth of knowledge about ferret welfare, husbandry etc.; to deprive the pet owners of that knowledge seems to me to be very spiteful.


Our ferrets are all workers, and if they didn't work we would find them pet homes, but that has never happened to us as we've been keeping and breeding from the same working line for years, apart from a couple of incomers who were also from working lines

Apologises for selectively quoting you, So would you be willing to chance taking one of these antis out hunting with you to show them what goes on? Ive offered and it was declined

The pet owners believe its them that have educated us hunters with their knowledge of husbandary

Can you please enhance on your working lines please? The same as myself I dont doubt you but they have the opinion that working ability is not inheritted as there isnt a gene for it

Y.I.S Leeview

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leeview, why do you think my capitol letter outburst was aimed at you :hmm:

this only show's how people read stuff wrong and jump the gun, it was aimed at ALL!! people that complain, as you have stated you dont, then it does not concern you, and you had no need to reply with the quote,

as for stuff thats happened/did happen/will happen on other forum's, lets leave that there shall we,

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:hmm: Well,.. this has turned into an interesting,.if somewhat strange thread... :yes:

Leaving the obvious politics and 'history' to one side for a moment,...nay...preferably for ever.. :laugh:

Let us put to rest a few 'theories' ...


Not ALL ferrets will work...this is a FACT...

However,..more than a few 'pet shop purchased' and even 100% show strain, rosette winning,..powder coated,..groomed to perfection beauties have,.and probably will go on to bolt rabbits.


I know this to be true,.because I have taken a few non-hunting ferret enthusiasts out with me over the years.

That being said,..there are an enormous amount of 'variables' as to just what constitutes a genuinely top class working ferret (or terrier and lurcher)..and,.I have my own take on that matter,.which is definitly best left,.for another time,.and certainly,.another place,. :thumbs:


Correspondingly,..I have also walked out with a smattering of anti-hunting folk (is 'a smattering of antis' the correct terminology :hmm: ),..and we have agreed to differ,...but I can understand their opinion on the hunting scene.


Possibly my riskiest expedition was with a character who contacted me via a sporting magazine,..told me he used to keep a Hancock lurcher for lamping,..and being new to the area,..would realy appreciate a trip out ,.bolting the rabbits from the ferrets,..just to get back into the swing of things,.don't ya know.. :yes:


As the letter came via a magazine, I felt slightly obliged to take the chap out for a mouch...


We had a good day,..well good for darn sarf anyway,..and he saw twenty or thirty conies hit the nets and the odd one taken by my ancient Cattle Dog lurcher.

Now I'll not be so arrogant as to say that I suspected something was amiss,..coz I didn't,..

But,..I did feel uncomfortable in his presence.

There was definitly something not quite right :hmm:


It was at my dinner table,.after he had finished his meal, that he produced his warrant card and identified himself as being the local Police Wildlife Liaison Officer for Hampshire,..that I twigged on to the situation... :doh:


It is in times such as these that I give thanks to my early upbringing and instruction in the rabbit catching game.

I will admit to have been a VERY naughty boy in a past life,.what with the deer and suchlike,.but the rabbiting game is not only my living,.it is also my passion,.and as ANYONE who has walked out with me will attest,.I will countenance no needless cruelty or amateur behaviour. A laugh is a laugh,.but when a life is to be taken,.it must be done professionally and without any pissing about or in a callous mode..

I just won't have it..


The upshot was,..this guy was most impressed..

He tried to shake my hand,.but I refused the invitation,..however,..we parted ,.if not as friends,.then certainly understanding each other a tad more...

And the moral of this preamble must surely be,..FECK the antis,..and simply behave in an honest and forthright manner at all times.

Hold your head up high and never be afraid to discuss OUR business in front of anyone,.show goers,.bunny huggers,.or real dealers,.. :laugh:


All the best to ALL mangy crossbreeds,...CHALKWARREN... :drink::drink:

We ve had our differences in the past but this echos my sentiments exactly

Y.I.S Leeview

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Apologises for selectively quoting you, So would you be willing to chance taking one of these antis out hunting with you to show them what goes on? Ive offered and it was declined

The pet owners believe its them that have educated us hunters with their knowledge of husbandary

Can you please enhance on your working lines please? The same as myself I dont doubt you but they have the opinion that working ability is not inheritted as there isnt a gene for it

Y.I.S Leeview


I have taken several people out who although not out and out antis, most definitely non hunters: all were interested and very impressed at how quickly the rabbits were despatched. Look East even came and filmed us ferreting a few years back when all the marches and vigils were being held before the ban came in: I have to say that they were very unbiased, and there was absolutely no slant against hunters, if anything they were more than fair: we even gave a butchered and jointed rabbit to the woman doing the interview which she watched my OH prepare for her: she said she'd eaten rabbit as a child and wanted to try it again.


Re our ferrets: I'm not saying they're any better than anyone else's, and the 2 that I currently work came in from fellow hunters, OH's white ones he has had for over 20 years (the line that is! ). Just makes sense to stick with what you know works doesn't it.

And as far as working ability being inherited: I don't have any hard and fast views on that, but when you've bred the same family of lurchers and ferrets for many years and you see little traits, ways of doing things, that you saw in a great grand father or whatever, then I'd say that is fairly conclusive, (albeit not scientifically proven) evidence that such things can be inherited.


I find myself becoming more and more like my mother as I get older (God rest her soul) but when I was young there were many things about her I couldn't stand :tongue2: I must have inherited certain things from her in my genes: my hunting side I'm sure I get from my dad: in fact I'm getting more and more hermit like (just like him LOL).


So why do people think that working ability can't be inherited? Hunting ability is of course both learned, practised at etc, but the instinct to find and kill in a ferret is certainly more developed in some strains of ferret than others, just as it is in dogs.


And as far as good husbandry is concerned: isn't that just that nowadays people realise that by understanding, housing and feeding an animal in the best possible way, is going to produce a dog or ferret that will be healthier, live longer and work better: look at how we try and understand what goes on in a dogs's head nowadays compared to the simple domination of the animal that was the only way which was understood by a lot of people in the past. Just my opinions.

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  socks said:
why is the ferreting section so saturated with people that are obviously pet keepers and would curl up and cry into their pillows if they seen a rabbit bolted by a ferret and dispatched humanely ................


this is a hunting site for people that keep and work their ferrets for the job they have been bred to do for hundereds of years and not for the fluffy show/pet brigade .... i am sure there are plenty of sites out there that they can join and talk about who won what show to their hearts content and leave the rest of us to get on with hunting and hunting talk .........


mods ??? ..................


another use for the ferret in the past was to steal things, train them up to retrieve coins, due to their size they could be entered into a house easily enough.....gonna train mine to collect notes then slip it through a load of catflaps lmao

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:hmm: Well,.. this has turned into an interesting,.if somewhat strange thread... :yes:

Leaving the obvious politics and 'history' to one side for a moment,...nay...preferably for ever.. :laugh:

Let us put to rest a few 'theories' ...


Not ALL ferrets will work...this is a FACT...

However,..more than a few 'pet shop purchased' and even 100% show strain, rosette winning,..powder coated,..groomed to perfection beauties have,.and probably will go on to bolt rabbits.


I know this to be true,.because I have taken a few non-hunting ferret enthusiasts out with me over the years.

That being said,..there are an enormous amount of 'variables' as to just what constitutes a genuinely top class working ferret (or terrier and lurcher)..and,.I have my own take on that matter,.which is definitly best left,.for another time,.and certainly,.another place,. :thumbs:


Correspondingly,..I have also walked out with a smattering of anti-hunting folk (is 'a smattering of antis' the correct terminology :hmm: ),..and we have agreed to differ,...but I can understand their opinion on the hunting scene.


Possibly my riskiest expedition was with a character who contacted me via a sporting magazine,..told me he used to keep a Hancock lurcher for lamping,..and being new to the area,..would realy appreciate a trip out ,.bolting the rabbits from the ferrets,..just to get back into the swing of things,.don't ya know.. :yes:


As the letter came via a magazine, I felt slightly obliged to take the chap out for a mouch...


We had a good day,..well good for darn sarf anyway,..and he saw twenty or thirty conies hit the nets and the odd one taken by my ancient Cattle Dog lurcher.

Now I'll not be so arrogant as to say that I suspected something was amiss,..coz I didn't,..

But,..I did feel uncomfortable in his presence.

There was definitly something not quite right :hmm:


It was at my dinner table,.after he had finished his meal, that he produced his warrant card and identified himself as being the local Police Wildlife Liaison Officer for Hampshire,..that I twigged on to the situation... :doh:


It is in times such as these that I give thanks to my early upbringing and instruction in the rabbit catching game.

I will admit to have been a VERY naughty boy in a past life,.what with the deer and suchlike,.but the rabbiting game is not only my living,.it is also my passion,.and as ANYONE who has walked out with me will attest,.I will countenance no needless cruelty or amateur behaviour. A laugh is a laugh,.but when a life is to be taken,.it must be done professionally and without any pissing about or in a callous mode..

I just won't have it..


The upshot was,..this guy was most impressed..

He tried to shake my hand,.but I refused the invitation,..however,..we parted ,.if not as friends,.then certainly understanding each other a tad more...

And the moral of this preamble must surely be,..FECK the antis,..and simply behave in an honest and forthright manner at all times.

Hold your head up high and never be afraid to discuss OUR business in front of anyone,.show goers,.bunny huggers,.or real dealers,.. :laugh:


All the best to ALL mangy crossbreeds,...CHALKWARREN... :drink::drink:


"Hey Socks,..this ferret could win a rosette.... :yes:


Yeah,...whatever "... :boredom:





that post should be pinned up for all to read!

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I have taken several people out who although not out and out antis, most definitely non hunters: all were interested and very impressed at how quickly the rabbits were despatched. Look East even came and filmed us ferreting a few years back when all the marches and vigils were being held before the ban came in: I have to say that they were very unbiased, and there was absolutely no slant against hunters, if anything they were more than fair:


Just makes sense to stick with what you know works doesn't it.

And as far as working ability being inherited: I don't have any hard and fast views on that, but when you've bred the same family of lurchers and ferrets for many years and you see little traits, ways of doing things, that you saw in a great grand father or whatever, then I'd say that is fairly conclusive, (albeit not scientifically proven) evidence that such things can be inherited.



So why do people think that working ability can't be inherited? Hunting ability is of course both learned, practised at etc, but the instinct to find and kill in a ferret is certainly more developed in some strains of ferret than others, just as it is in dogs.


And as far as good husbandry is concerned: isn't that just that nowadays people realise that by understanding, housing and feeding an animal in the best possible way, is going to produce a dog or ferret that will be healthier, live longer and work better:

The same myself Look North turned (planned) up to our coursing club meet it was explained to them what happened and were given the choice of where they could film from providing they did nt interfere with the course, it turned out they gave a very true and unbiased view of our sport so much so they were back the next day to see the coclusion for themselves, the following season they had shares in a greyhound running with the club

it certainly makes sense to me to breed from workers to produce workers but that comes from hands on not theories in books

There arguement is that there isn't a working gene to provide this

Y.I.S Leeview

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