Guest ooty Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 Had one help me to empty my live catch rat traps this morning,no messing,straight in there and a good crushing bite.just haveing a little mooch through the thred been ratting with my cattle dog while im away?? ,must be cause you cant wait for your pup Quote Link to post
Guest ooty Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 any more pics a them cattledogs ooty?think when fireman gets in he will likely be able to put some up,drop him a pm mate,im sure he has some,the light colour one is the one lined to a stright grey,shes got the better hunting instinkt of the two also but both are on the button, Quote Link to post
pritch 335 Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 what size do you think the ACD x GH bitches would come out at. ATB Pritch Quote Link to post
eric 0 Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 eric,do i know you or are you a knob??no offence,lots of my mates can be knobs,just you gotta be one of them before you can get away with calling me fat,in answer to your question on how much eric,probly 100 ./ 150,dont like to see people charge silly £ for working mongrols,they are ment to be a poor mans pot filler imo, see what comes out,the way i see it as not all dogs in a litter are the same,yours is a little more expensive cause you called me a couple of months before i know any more, wicked holiday,back to the grind,good to hear bitch is getting fat mate,seems you got things under control and more than one new pup on the way,il catch up later,just getting used to being home,bit of a culture shock, dont want to be home yet,found an ol shepards hut up in the hills would do me and the dogs,chuck an ol wood stove in then away sorta thing,cant even afford that though,will answer all cattle dog questions later as gona chill and do f,all today,nice to see the intrest, being taken in the breeding,they are fun energetic loyel little dogs with a spark to them,oh and 29 years is the oldest on on record,laters :calmed down otto hagar said you would bite just playing with you,hagar was interested in the pup not me i would not waste good dog food laters Quote Link to post
Guest ooty Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 Eric,just by breathing your waisting fresh air ,pritch,this is the 1st litter iv bred so to be honest im guessing that they should be between 24/25 ats,think dogamondo has more experiance than me,i xd them because of the temp and thats what i want in my lines, Quote Link to post
Guest ooty Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 any pics of the greyhound you used ooty?sorry mate was a romantic moment on the beach for the two of them,and embarsing one for the owner of the grey who diddnt realise she was stuck talking dog sex with me for half hour smart big strong dog though,proper eye turner, Quote Link to post
Guest smashygadge Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 can i ask a serious question? how many different breeds would you have in your ideal lurcher, and over how many generations? thanks cheers smashy,good news,told ya them ol greys hold em up somtimes, should be some handy pups in thst lot mate,thas the kids crimbo prezzys sorted,id of been more than happy with a lucher of that breeding for christmas when i was a kid,still would if you have a few??.as for how meny breeds in a lurcher,imo id mostly go for 2,max 3,so meny things depend on what you want from a lurcher and the work you want them to do,if i new those things it would be a question easyer to answer who were you awnswering that to oots me or donnie lol anyways hope you had some holiday fun mate .and my grey im not holding any hope now somtimes it looks like she is somtimes not .never known a breed like them. only a few days then it is or its not Quote Link to post
fireman 11,003 Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 I caught 3 rats in the traps in the garden last night mate and the dogs helped me empty them this morning,the acd pushed molly out the way and nailed the biggest for herself.1/2 8 this morning with the dogs going mad,the rats screaming,me trying to be cool so the neighbours wouldn't see what a sight and i bet the whole road heard lol.Will get some pics up of the dogs when the clever one puts them on photobucket. Quote Link to post
Guest smashygadge Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 I caught 3 rats in the traps in the garden last night mate and the dogs helped me empty them this morning,the acd pushed molly out the way and nailed the biggest for herself.1/2 8 this morning with the dogs going mad,the rats screaming,me trying to be cool so the neighbours wouldn't see what a sight and i bet the whole road heard lol.Will get some pics up of the dogs when the clever one puts them on photobucket. still getting the action then fireman lol Quote Link to post
Guest ooty Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 I caught 3 rats in the traps in the garden last night mate and the dogs helped me empty them this morning,the acd pushed molly out the way and nailed the biggest for herself.1/2 8 this morning with the dogs going mad,the rats screaming,me trying to be cool so the neighbours wouldn't see what a sight and i bet the whole road heard lol.Will get some pics up of the dogs when the clever one puts them on photobucket. still getting the action then fireman lol 8.30 in the morning and fireman in the same sentance he must of had a late night had a wicked time in wales,found out im poorer than 17th centry peasants cause i cant afford a derelict sheep hut on a wind blown damp hill where knowone else wants to live, Quote Link to post
fireman 11,003 Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 Have to get it where i can Smashy,my lurchers broke his toe and his nail sticks so far out he'll rip it off if i run him.Up to the terriers and ferrets for my sport this year and ooty for the lamping. Quote Link to post
Guest ooty Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 think we've broke most of the dogs already mate,luck realy aint been on our side this out of terriers me boys wrote his whippet off,gona have to pull an old gel outa retirement by the looks,got a few comeing on for next year,told you we wouldnt have well we'r happy mooching an bushing enit think these acds will be hard to break Quote Link to post
Guest smashygadge Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 Have to get it where i can Smashy,my lurchers broke his toe and his nail sticks so far out he'll rip it off if i run him.Up to the terriers and ferrets for my sport this year and ooty for the lamping. sorry to here that fireman .iam sure ooty will sort you some more decent hancock out lol but no it dont sound too my bithes lost a nail and a little whip i no was shit after knocking its toe.just keep it up with that new ratting dog lol sounds like its more fun haha. oh and ooty they would nt even want you in that hut on the hill lol just pitch a tent and claim it squatters rights Quote Link to post
Guest ooty Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 Have to get it where i can Smashy,my lurchers broke his toe and his nail sticks so far out he'll rip it off if i run him.Up to the terriers and ferrets for my sport this year and ooty for the lamping. sorry to here that fireman .iam sure ooty will sort you some more decent hancock out lol but no it dont sound too my bithes lost a nail and a little whip i no was shit after knocking its toe.just keep it up with that new ratting dog lol sounds like its more fun haha. oh and ooty they would nt even want you in that hut on the hill lol just pitch a tent and claim it squatters rights f*****g movein in with you if you carry on like that. Quote Link to post
Guest ooty Posted September 29, 2008 Report Share Posted September 29, 2008 take a look at the feet of your biches would take a trackter to brake a toe and a bone to that matter strong as an oxthey do have bone to em,be hard to break one i recon, Quote Link to post
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