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wonder about last night

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well i was sittin in the house board out me skull last neet. so i grabed the dog and off we went first field was rough plough :doh: so nout on there. so got back in the car and drove for about 30 min`s or so pulled up at some nice grass fields and flicked the lamp on and it was full ov rabbits :icon_eek: so got the dog out. first field she had 5 out ov 5 runs a good start then walked over to the next field same again loads ov rabbits got 4out ov 6 runs in there. was over the moon as its her 3 night out since havein the pup`s :gunsmilie: any way got to the third field and got another 3 in there was very happy at that 12 rabbits havent had a night like that in a while so turned in for the night. just thought i would share my catch with you :toast::toast: pic isent the best but will put it up any way will get the 1`s off my phone up a bit later when i find the cable :thumbs:


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