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Guest JOEB

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R 8 Joe B !!

One of the best foods for protein i've been told is chicken and when i've fed my dogs on it they've always looked and performed well. A good friend once had a bit of trouble with chicken though as it was all his dog would eat and at first she performed well, but he noticed a drop in her stamina and he took her to the vets and had some checks done. The results came back saying that the dog had an Un-balanced amount of red and white blood cells, and that it was most probably caused by the lack of a balanced diet. Anyone else experienced this ????

All the best Tommy ;);)


If thats all the dog would eat then he should have been supplementing the diet with an Iron tonic.

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not that i really know but my dog was pretty fit through the season just being out and about all day every day and not working but just up and about...........i thinks this leads to good mental fitness......i don't know if its the same with running dogs but i believe the dogs don't recover as well if their mentally tired as in not used to thinking about quarry.....what do people think???

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Guest markbrick1

I THINK a lot on here read to many books i give my lurchers a normal diet and plenty of rabbit chasing exercise and they do well in all forms, ive never heard of so much shit as the diets and road exercise ive read today on hear

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I THINK a lot on here read to many books i give my lurchers a normal diet and plenty of rabbit chasing exercise and they do well in all forms, ive never heard of so much shit as the diets and road exercise ive read today on hear

this is the only shit ive read on here,of course a good diet plays an important role,you only need to look at the modern athlete,to see how important nutrition is,and you wont find many greyhound trainers who feed wagg,and as for excercise,you say plenty of rabbit chasing,so do you take your dog thats been laid up for the summer and just carry on as if it hadnt had a break,an unfit dog has much more chance of injury,fitness needs to be built up,you couldnt go out and run a marathon without training,but you expect your dog to?

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Guest markbrick1

I THINK a lot on here read to many books i give my lurchers a normal diet and plenty of rabbit chasing exercise and they do well in all forms, ive never heard of so much shit as the diets and road exercise ive read today on hear

this is the only shit ive read on here,of course a good diet plays an important role,you only need to look at the modern athlete,to see how important nutrition is,and you wont find many greyhound trainers who feed wagg,and as for excercise,you say plenty of rabbit chasing,so do you take your dog thats been laid up for the summer and just carry on as if it hadnt had a break,an unfit dog has much more chance of injury,fitness needs to be built up,you couldnt go out and run a marathon without training,but you expect your dog to?

i dont lay my dogs up all summer i am obliged to keep my dogs runing in the summer not as much as winter nights but i will get up at 5 and always take them a few miles and they will always get some rabbitcize so i dont drop there diet and any body who knows me will never question my dogs fitness regards mark

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ok a couple of points to be raised here ... firstly joeb wants this dog to run 4 or 5 rabbits a night so in my opinion what the dog needs is a cross training regime with the emphasis on sprint work as thats what his job is primaraly going to be .... if we were talking abaout a coursing dog then i would change the training and gear it more towards stamina ......


marckbrick diet and conditioning for a running dog are EVERYTHING and whilst you may keep your dogs fit through the summer (as i always do) a correctly fed and conditioned dog will outrun a normall fit dog any day of the week ..........

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To overlook a dogs fitness is proper stupid. How can a unfit dog be expected to perform to a high standard. Fitness and nutrition are one and the same, without correct nutrition top fitness in a dog cannot be achieved. If a dog is asked to run regular then again it's nutrion will have to be top grade. I know a few dog lads who beleive that because it's a lurcher it will always run and run regular with a little bit of fitness work, these are usually the lads who's dogs are finished after a couple of runs in a morning and the dogs are worn out well before the end of the season. If all this fitness/nutritional work is a load of 'SHIT', why do all genuine greyhound trainers spend so much time trying to perfect a dogs dietry requirements ????


All the best Tommy ;)

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good exercise wont go amiss an a good diet, if you dont get much time in summer to walk your dog [bANNED TEXT] a tredmill will be a good investment, but useally these r for bigger type dogs, try some remidies to put energy back into your dog after he's had some good runs like glocous [bANNED TEXT] :good:

i agree the bike three times a week but brake in easy 1 mile 2 mile and so on as 2 much 2 soon burns the feet off them then when u have it fit the night u go lamping use a little bit of B12 vitamans that week before u go out and ill bet she or he is bonceing out of there skin :good:

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my greyhounds have got an 85% win rate at the track and that is not down to just luck its down to a carefull nutritional balance and correct training .... you will then end up with a dog that looks like this .........



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my greyhounds have got an 85% win rate at the track and that is not down to just luck its down to a carefull nutritional balance and correct training .... you will then end up with a dog that looks like this .........




That picture speaks for itself, great looking dog :good:



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