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Which pitch whistle for a lurcher

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Good afternoon !


Can anyone help with the selection of a suitable replacement whistle for my lurcher ? I've had two or three plastic shepherds whistles but, lost them all !!


[Note to self . . attach cord to prevent further losses :wallbash: ]


I've been looking on 'that' auction site for a replacement and noticed some Acme dog training whistles [210.5 & 211.5 pitch] as well as the usual shepherds whistle. My questions are: -


  1. Should I stick with a shepherds style whistle, which my dog [of 18 months] is already used to ? NB : She is is only used to a similar sound each time as, there is a knack to getting the same pitch on each whistle - which my talent does not guarantee on every occasion :icon_redface:
  2. Or, would you recommend I purchase an Acme whistle ? If so, which pitch do I go for ? 210.5 ??

Any comments/recommendations/alternatives greatly appreciated . . .



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I use a plastic sheepdog whistle for my dogs. It takes a while to master but I find I can get a variety of pitches and get different commands. I have a left/right, a fast recall and a slow recall and a down. Personally I don't like to use the acme whistles.


I used to make the lanyards for whistles and sell them, saves many a lost whistle.

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