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first day out this season


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The difference is that pheasants are bred for sport. this means that you dont shoot them out of season because if they became a pest then the breeding would stop! Rabbits are vermin and need to be controlled all year round. The only reason people say rabbiting 'season' is beacause its alot harder to ferret in the summer because of undergrowth etc. do a bit of reading and lay off the pheasants because for one, someone has taken alot of time rearing them and for two they should be shot when at correct age with correct equiptment. You live and learn

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Well boys i guess by now you realize that you have made two big mistakes.But I'll ad my bit anyway.

1 Don't shoot pheasants with an air rifle no mater what the season.

2 Be careful NOT to put it on here.


Nothing wrong with your nets. I've got a lot just like those which I made myself.In my opinion When setting a purse net the bottom ring should go into the hole, the draw cord should be spread evenly around the hole and the peg should be stuck in as far from the net as possible without drawing the net closed so that the rabbit is in the net before he tries to jump threw it.


PS when you go ferreting leave the gun at home :victory:


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Good to see some folks trying to help them rather than just slating them,slightly shot yourselves in the foot lads but most of us at some stage have messed up a little and if you learn from it and take care when out again then all good from a little mess up.Get yourselves some different size and sorts of nets and you will be able to net the different sorts of holes you will come across with the right one,live and learn lads.

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I cant belivie what i see some people post on here it's make's me sick seeing people like this shooting pheasants with a rifle and also out of season some are not even ready to shoot untill the last week in oct never mind 3rd week in sep


ADVICE learn the trade boy's before posting on here you just give them anti's ammo



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It might not be the crime of the century but a crime is still a crime. Pheasant shoot's are not just for the money, people go for a fun and sporting day out, if you were to ask most people that have shot at most games shoot's they will say it was worth every penny,so no it's not all about the money, and it wasn't an air rifle mate, it's clearly a rifle.

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as long as you eat them it dont matter.these big shoots just shoot them and dump them all waste if you ask me no piont argueing about it all just dont bother posting anything up mate you just get these computer hunters telling you what to do happy days :icon_eek::tongue2:

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alrite alrite gis a break, :notworthy: a hold ma hands up, yes im the other eedjit, idiot, irresponsible, fool, g*mp etc etc etc look i admitt we didnt no what the crack waz with the phesant season, never really see them round these parts, theyve recently set up a gun club in my area so guessin it has sumthing to do with them, but lesson learned, some of the comments deserved a slap tho 'u people sicken me' hahaha im surprised you can even see us from that high horse your sittin on mate. other comments tho were very useful, constructive criticism never hurts as long as there somthing to be gained from them, the guy who said about the best way to set the nets cheers mate, used to go ferreting with my da but was only young so never really understood the fineitys of net setting. also could anyone tell me the best way of skining a rabbit? my da normally skins it first then guts it, and thats what ive continued on doing, but i saw someone doing it the other way round, wats best ?


oh by the way took those pheasants home and cooked them up, finger lickin good, a few less pheasants for some toff to have a jolly old shot at, always good

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  boon said:
as long as you eat them it dont matter.these big shoots just shoot them and dump them all waste if you ask me no piont argueing about it all just dont bother posting anything up mate you just get these computer hunters telling you what to do happy days :icon_eek::tongue2:


Shoots don't just dump them all, they go to the game dealers. I think you been reading too much anti bullshit.

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if your catching numbers of rabbits, then gut in the field, putting the guts down a fresh dug out hole, but dont skin, otherwise you'll pick up all manner of shit on the skin, I freeze mine with the skin on, if the tempreture is set right on the chest freezer, the fur stops them sticking together, as they would if placed in without their coat on

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Personally, I couldn't give a stuff about shooting pheasants with rifles, I bet half the lads complaining have lurchers or friends who run lurchers, follow the hunt, etc. A law's a law, no matter how you feel about it, it's a bit rich complaining about someone breaking one law, then turning a blind eye to another.


A simple...


'Did you not know that there was a season on pheasants, and they're not meant to be shot with a rifle? Be careful what you post on a public forum.'


...would have done, there's no need to be all high & mighty about it.


Just do what your doing, but don't do it in ignorance & be very careful what you post in the public eye. :thumbs:

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