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Jeep Cherokee

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cheap plastic shite!!!! you can only buy clutch slave cylinder master cylinder and pipe altogether £180+vat trade..deisel engines are italian shite used to use them in the mk1 range rover suffer head problems......apart from that they are SHITE!!!!!! :thumbdown::thumbdown:

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I have one and absolutely love it.


I have the 2.5 diesel, limited edition 1998. It's an ex-display one and it's gone straight through 3 MOT's for me and the only time it gave any grief was when I let it run out of water...I thought it was the screen wash!! Even then I got it sorted for £200 and that's the only thing I've had to do. (touching wood!!)


It is a bit thirsty, and if you get a bad one, look out, but mines a good un and I loves it muchly much!!!



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I have one and absolutely love it.


I have the 2.5 diesel, limited edition 1998. It's an ex-display one and it's gone straight through 3 MOT's for me and the only time it gave any grief was when I let it run out of water...I thought it was the screen wash!! Even then I got it sorted for £200 and that's the only thing I've had to do. (touching wood!!)


It is a bit thirsty, and if you get a bad one, look out, but mines a good un and I loves it muchly much!!!



What MPG are you getting?

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depends, averaging 33 I reckon. I got a counter inside!!


I put in £20, and i'm getting about 100 miles. That's on short runs to and from school/the horse etc. Lots of stopping and starting. It does better on a longer run. It's good for towing too, but the counter breaks my heart when I'm towing - I can literally see the pounds disappearing.


I sold my defender and bought this cos I was doing long trips and wanted a bit of comfort, but still something that would do the job.


I recently had a job towing a load of gear to Torbay Steam fair with it, and much as I love defenders, mine was right up there with them on the pull out. I didn't need a tow from the tractor boys and got a round of applause!!! I guess that might just be my great off road driving skill!! :whistling:

The car was laden and I had an old and heavy 3 horse trailer behind with barrels of cider, straw bales and a donkey in, and it got us out fine. I do however have some bitching great tyres on it!!



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Thanks for that. Yes thats what im after, a little comfort would be nice. Ive had Range Rovers, L/R, HI LUX's, Fourtrack.

Tyres do make the difference!


What's to look out for on them?

Common faults?

1998 upwards, are they on leaf springs?

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I just sold a 4ltr gas convertion all the bits and leather and MDSH for £1850 all it needed was a CV joint £125.

They are juicey yes but comefy as feck and not bad of road, just raise them up and add some good tyres and away you go cushty.

Saying that I've good a decent Defender 90 here with all the gear tyres,engine up grade, checquer plate, £400 saffari roof rack etc etc £3000ish if you want, pm me :big_boss: .

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I'm sorry Arctic, I'm just a complete numpty when it comes to the details... (I can change a wheel and that's it!!) And no fella to ask for you.


I know they're either very very good, or very very bad, with not a lot in between.


My uncle has one a few years younger than mine and it's nothing but trouble. I got mine checked out before I bought it, had them do an MOT as well.


People slate them, and I am a BIG fan of all things landrover, I've had two. But I love this more. (surprised myself admiting that, but it's true!) It's not at all plasticy like someone else said. The finish inside is great, leather and walnut, and it has everything for £2, 500 LESS than the freelander with bugger all. Now that was plastic!! Mine has all the extras, electric everything, seats, mirrors, windows, locks. 6 CD inter changer, turbo, air con, cruise control, and high & low 4 wheel drive. I had the defender, loved it but wanted some comfort and a bit more dual purpose, I sold it, I looked for months at Disco's and the vile freelanders, and for the same money as this, they were shite.


If there's anything I can get out of the handbook for you I will, but as I said, I just get in and drive it, I know nothing of mechanics! :icon_redface:

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cheap plastic shite!!!! you can only buy clutch slave cylinder master cylinder and pipe altogether £180+vat trade..deisel engines are italian shite used to use them in the mk1 range rover suffer head problems......apart from that they are SHITE!!!!!! :thumbdown::thumbdown:
sell him one of your discos you can only drive 1 mate not 5 like you have :icon_eek:
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