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Ferret Box Design

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:rofl: 6 ferrets completely unessasery your just wanting to slate his idea, witch is a very good one!!!


Depends on the size of the bury mate, pointless putting 2 or 3 ferrets in a massive bury. :doh:


I've seen 14 ferrets down a enormous warren, :thumbs: they bolted 128 rabbits.

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14 thats just taking the piss really mate <_<


It wasn't taking the piss, as I said in my original post it was an enormous warren. The lads had well over 100 purse nets on and there were still holes uncovered. The warren was also surrounded by long nets. They also had long nets crossing the warren, make no mistake this was a massive warren. The fact that the lads got 128 rabbits out of it fully justified the use of 14 ferrets.


If you look at it the other way putting 3 ferrets into that warren :icon_eek:That would be taking the p!ss. :yes:

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ive used 6 of mine before & 3 of a mates on a single warren at the same time that had approx 45/50 holes on a steep bank that was over a 10 metre distance, with 9 ferrets put to work seemed to do a good job, no point letting them hole hop..


ill be honest, its not often that that many numbers are needed, but occassionally its a must.

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The max ive had down was 18 ferrets .We used to put 300 purse nets down run a long net over the top and space the ferrets out when popping them in and wait a bit then the rabbits bolted . When things slowed down lift the nets reset them on the next bit and start again . Now days i just use my 12 ferrets run 3 longnets out and cover it with my wife son and myself .

But its horses for courses you dont need a lot of ferrets for small,shallow burrows

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if myself, magwitch, richie and ferreter216 go out together, we would have approx 12 ferrets between us, at this time of year, a few would be youngsters getting their first taste of a warren, even smallish warrens, say 20 holes, would see us all putting at least a couple down, its good to get the youngsters in with adults, plus it does get the rabbits bolting, rather than hole hoping, which they can do with only a couple of ferts


I suppose those who want to net each hole will/could get away with only using a couple, but we tend to longnet, lazy sods

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if myself, magwitch, richie and ferreter216 go out together, we would have approx 12 ferrets between us, at this time of year, a few would be youngsters getting their first taste of a warren, even smallish warrens, say 20 holes, would see us all putting at least a couple down, its good to get the youngsters in with adults, plus it does get the rabbits bolting, rather than hole hoping, which they can do with only a couple of ferts


I suppose those who want to net each hole will/could get away with only using a couple, but we tend to longnet, lazy sods




what are purse nets :D


i havent had them out my bag in ages, infact, im putting together my other quickset 100yrder..


sorry coatesy for going off subject...

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It depends where i go how many ferrets i take the bit at Perth i take every ferret i own ,with my mate Pedro on the banks of the Eden i will take 4/6 and he will have 3/4 .Elsewhere i will take a couple till i find out the lie of the place and what we need , maybe with dragging all that stuff round with us my favourite type of ferreting is with a couple of jills and a few nets or the shotgun and moving about

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