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found this in a book im reading

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im readin a book about the battle of agincourt and ive just found this sub paragraph about Edward duke of york who was killed at the battle!

i know its only loosely connected with dogs but i thought a few people would find it of interest!


"The duke was passionate about hunting. for him it was not simply a pleasant pastime, nor even just a practical way of providing fresh meat for the table.

it was a battle of wits and skill against a respected quarry, a question of intimate knowledge of habits, habitation and lie of the land, all governed by strictly enforced rules of conduct and etiquette to prevent the killing of breeding animals and those that were to young or ineddible, but also to ensure that no part of the carcass was wasted.

he was also henry the fourth's master of hart hounds and he knew his sport inside out.


his book THE MASTER OF GAME writen some time around AD1400 is an unrivalled source of practical information from the basics of choosing the right dog for the right task, through to the art of correctly dismembering a carcass.

now i shall prove how hunters live in this world more joyfully than any other men', he had written.

for when the hunter riseth in the morning, and he sees a sweet and fair morn and clear weather and bright, and he heareth the song of the small birds. the which sing so sweetly with great melody and full of love, each in its own language in the best wise that it can..... and when the sun is arisen, he shall see fresh dew upon the small twigs and grasses, and the sun by his virtue shall make them shine.

and that is great joy and liking to the hunters heart..... and when he hath well eaten and drunk he shall be glad and well, and well at his ease.

and then shall he take the air in the evening of the night, for the great heat that he hath had.....and lie in his bed in fair fresh clothes, and shall sleep well and steadfastly all the night without any evil thoughts of any sins, wherefore i say hunters go into paradise when they die, and live in this world more joyfully than any other men.

men desire in this world to live long in health and in joy, and in death the health of the soul.

hunters have all these things.

therefore be ye all hunters and ye shall do as wise men!


sorry if its a bit long in the tooth but i thought it was worth sharing



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real good read mate


atb mike

its true iv always felt that hunting folk feel more for the countryside and its inhabitants than most not many people appreciate such things as we do . for example each morn i get up to go about my days hunting i stop and watch the sun rise for a moment and think how lucky we are to have the things we take for granted!

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