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Feeding Before Working ?


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Hello All,


What is the best way to feed my Lab before working ? should I feed early morning or more the night before ?


I currently feed her Burns Active.


Any advice welcome.




Edited by Gaoler
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i feed them normal the night then half portion in the mornning before i leave probs round an hour or so before they start working. I also feed them a small amount in the middle of the day probably a handful each, if theyve been working hard on the moors or picking up mabey a bit more, then the extra half portion from the morning with the evening meal with warm water.


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i feed them normal the night then half portion in the mornning before i leave probs round an hour or so before they start working. I also feed them a small amount in the middle of the day probably a handful each, if theyve been working hard on the moors or picking up mabey a bit more, then the extra half portion from the morning with the evening meal with warm water.



I used to give the dogs 1/2 a portionn of normal food before the day started usualy about 1 1/2 hours before ,and a 1/2 mars bar(for the glucose this was recommended by a keeper) at lunch time after a hard morning and could definately see a difference after lunch ! only thing chocolate for human consumption is now frowned upon by some authorities for dogs !

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Once late afternoon/early evening! if they've been working hard then they get something when I stop for Lunch. I used to give a Mars bar but Chocolate really isn't good for dogs. Got a great Idea off this site (can't remember who told me sorry) a tin of custard. They get the Gluecose boost they need and you can tell the differance later in the day if they haven't had anything.





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I don't think they care so much about food as they do the chase.

THATS THE TROUBLE ! they give it 150% and WILL drop if you dont get the sugars into them ! i have seen 4 dogs litteraly go down exhausted after lunch time (granted it was at the begining of the season and they did not seem as fit as they possibly could have been,and it was a hard long day !).Most dogs that ive owned would prefer work to food and its always been a problem getting them to eat due to the fact that they were 100% focused on the job in hand !

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I don't think they care so much about food as they do the chase.

THATS THE TROUBLE ! they give it 150% and WILL drop if you dont get the sugars into them ! i have seen 4 dogs litteraly go down exhausted after lunch time (granted it was at the begining of the season and they did not seem as fit as they possibly could have been,and it was a hard long day !).Most dogs that ive owned would prefer work to food and its always been a problem getting them to eat due to the fact that they were 100% focused on the job in hand ! IF THEY GIVE ME THAT AMOUNT OF COMMITMENT ITS THE LEAST I CAN DO TO ENSURE THEY GET IT BACK !!

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