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Rare and non-native speices

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Well been looking at certain areas at a group of non-native + rare speices(over hear) so i can photograph them :whistling: and it got me thinking, i've read stories of people catching alsort from not so uncommon these day wild boar to groundhog. I have never caught anything uncommon, but have seen strange things. Once on an invite with the bloke i got my pup of and his mate who is on this site we saw something cat like climb down from a tree and run as fast as a greyhound. Too fast and too big to be a pet. A shame the dogs never got on it sooner :whistling: Also heard of monkey like creatures not too far away from me but not heard of anyone catching one of these either.


So have you had any rare/non-native species? Lets hear your story and prehaps some pictures wether dug to, ran with dogs, shot or caught with any other methods. :victory:

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we have wallabies all over the uk now & large groups of them all the way upto near loch lomond, scotland & even monkey sighting close to oban, then you have some of the other odd creatures like Beaver, terrapins, even just the other week someone caught one of those snapping turtles whilst fishing & dont forget all the big cat sighting every year? do a search of the video link i post under big cat sighting of a video & see what you think?


Check out this also in Kent




Oh & we even have scorpians colonizing areas of kent lol climate change...

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Last summer i kept seeing a terrapin on a log at the bottom of the weir by me

After various attempts too catch it it escaped

Then 1 day walkin along the woods along the river we saw it on the bank and kept it

Kept it in my shed n fed it on raw meat n grass sor a week then released it again

It was a red eared terrapin

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had a wallaby/flamingo loose, on the marshes good few years ago.escapee from when we had a zoo here .best laugh though was when my old russel dog used to get under the security fencing nip over to the lion compound and give em hell.. that use to liven em up. happy days.

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