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BSA lightning for sale

Guest little_lloyd

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Guest little_lloyd

I have decided to put my BSA lightning 2.2 air rifle up for sale, As i need a bit of cash and dont shoot with it as much as i should ,, Gun has a few minor scratches on the silencer but apart from that is in top nick,, I will try and post photos up when i have acsess to a camera. Have not ued the gun much at all,, and bought it about a year ago ,,Im asking for £100 for the gun.


Any intrests or questions, Please PM me

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Guest little_lloyd
hi mate do it come with a scope and will you post ?



Yes its just got a basic BSA scope which was on the gun when i bought it from the gun smiths,, From local gunsmith. Not to keen on posting.

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i was going to say you have to sell them face to face now or some thing

I got a feeling that you are not allowed to send guns in the post now........seem to remenber some mail order outlets going bust because of the change in the law........i may be wrong .......but someone out there will put me right i am sure. ;););)


Rolfe. ;)

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