Bag record and Ring recovery Incentive Poll (Please take part if you have the time!)
Incentives for ring recoveries
17 members have voted
1. Would you be more willing to return bag statistics and ring recoveries if you received an incentive (e.g. cartridge rebate)
Yes, More likely12
No, No difference5
No, Less likely0
2. What kind of incentive would you like to receive? Please select your top two preferences.
Rebate/Voucher for Product5
Rebate/Voucher for Brand4
Rebate/Voucher for Supplier3
Entry into Lottery for small number of large prizes5
Entry into Lottery for large number of moderate prizes6
3. Who should collect bag returns and ring recovery data? Please select your top two preferences.
Status Quo: multiple agencies and clubs4
Bag and Ring returns collected only by BASC (or equiv)13
Bag and Ring returns collected only by RSPB (or equiv)1
Bag and Ring returns collected online by government dept with name2
Bag and Ring returns collected online by government but annonymously2
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