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new bucks

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i was invited to go shooting with a mate about 5 months ago on his shooting ground as we were waundering up the side of a valley we started talking and in to the conversation pops deer shooting, and he tells me that recently he has been seeing a big Roe buck in one of the valleys as the day goes on we get a little closer to the valley he has talking about, he tells me go on over the brow of the hill and have a look to see if he is there,


to my amazement there he is stood bold as hell on the edge of a small copes with 3 does about 30 yards left of where he is stood.


so i crept down to a good shooting postion put the sights on him right in the heart/lung and Crack he went down like a sack of potatoes. from about 90 yards


i was chuffed as hell with taking my 1st buck and could not wait to take another one.


but ever since taking that buck we have not seen heard or even got the slightest hint of another one coming in to the area but we still commonly see the does .


how long does it take for a new buck to come and move in to the area ?

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