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where to hit quarry?

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im new to hunting and think i've a pretty good shot for a beginner (i can hit a 3 inch circle 4 out of 5 times) and i think im ready to start hunting live quarry. i have a scope on my air rifle (zeroed). the only problem is that for my intended quarry (wood pigeons) there is a lot of talk on where to hit. of course a head shot will nearly every time but a wodd pigeons head is surprisinly small where else can hit wich will ensure a clen kill?

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Guest hpool_hunter

im no expert in air guns ect - but practice practice practice - on TARGETS - well before you start plinking away at quarry . :victory: , someone once told me to be able to hit a 5 pence peice before shooting at game .

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Guest hyperion

always go for a head shot unless they are sitting almost on the end of your barrel!

pigeon feathers are like armor plating and though a pellet will break through at distance you will rarely score a clean kill if you shoot them in the body or crop!

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im new to hunting and think i've a pretty good shot for a beginner (i can hit a 3 inch circle 4 out of 5 times) and i think im ready to start hunting live quarry. i have a scope on my air rifle (zeroed). the only problem is that for my intended quarry (wood pigeons) there is a lot of talk on where to hit. of course a head shot will nearly every time but a wodd pigeons head is surprisinly small where else can hit wich will ensure a clen kill?


You're nowhere near accurate enough to be shooting at live quarry mate but I think you know that already. :hmm:


The kill zone on a pigeon's head will be less than 1" in diamater so you should be aiming to get all your pellets inside an inch circle when you zero your rifle,like the pic below.


At the moment the only things you should be trying to knock over are tin cans.




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