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A dog that is EASILY spannable in my opinion will get to its quarry easier than a dog with a much deeper chest (less digging on to widen the way through)


One thing to remember is each man prefers his own type of dog, some lads like big dogs some like the smaller types, depends on the earths you are working too whether they are the tight little sandy burrows or the bigger rangy places, as long as it is of sound breeding and well put together you shouldn't go far wrong :good:

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Don't get into the mindset of thinking that being spannable is the be all and end all, if a well made up terrier WANTS to get there, then it generally will, maybe not as fast as a pipecleaner, but a lot of it is in the attitude of the terrier. I have pretty big hands, yet if I hold them together as if to span a dog, the hole between my thumbs and fingers are no bigger than a rabbit hole.

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now i have big hands ,well im big all over if you know what i mean ladies :D and can only span one of my dogs with ease ,just happens to be one of my best dogs and can get any were fast ,if you have a dog with a 17in chest your about right for most terriers of todays breeding they are a little bit bigger round the chest than i would like ,a fox has a 14in chest and can get places were a dog cant ,iv seen my bullx chase a fox running full bore ,and the fox ran through some solid railing with 5 1/2in gap with out stopping made me open my eyes to were they can get ..if its just fox your after i would go for a small dog or should i say bitch as theses are smaller in size and seem to be better as you could have the best dog in the world and as hard and game as feck but if it can get on its game up close or mybe even stuck its a waste of time for foxs..i have patterdale dogs one bitch with a 16 3/4in chest and two dogs just above 17in on the chest but i favor the small dog ever time ..what you really need is a patterdale the size of a jrt for a true get any were foxing dog that dont need to dig on to get to what its trying for :D i have seen holes were i can get down but it was not fox :whistle:

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Don't get into the mindset of thinking that being spannable is the be all and end all, if a well made up terrier WANTS to get there, then it generally will, maybe not as fast as a pipecleaner, but a lot of it is in the attitude of the terrier. I have pretty big hands, yet if I hold them together as if to span a dog, the hole between my thumbs and fingers are no bigger than a rabbit hole.


100% :good:



When spanning a dog its a measure of the forequarters not its chest. Unless the dog is barrel chested then the shoulders are the widest part.

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