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My girlfriend as been going on at me for ages to sort the spare room out so we can decorate it.

Now this room is where we chuck all the crap from the other rooms,it has been like it for about 2 years,we just open the door and chuck stuff in.

So i knew it was going to be a long job,so armed with as many black bags i could find,a dust mask and a shottie in case some illegals had set up camp in there :gunsmilie::laugh: .

I started making my way from the door,i found piles of old shooting mags,countrymans,shooting times.

Started to put them in the bin bags,also found a few TOP SHELF MAGS :whistling::angel::laugh: I kept them :tongue4: :wankerzo4: :laugh: .So carried on most of the day.


Then i found a wooden box,i thought whats this?i opened it and there right before my eyes was


3 MK1 FERRET LOCATOR BOXES AND TWO COLLERS :boogie: .I was over the moon,i flow down stairs to show the good lady,she couldn't understand why i was so excited :wallbash: i checked them all and they all work :clapper: .So i am smiling ear to ear at the moment.


I remember now where the came from,my auntie and uncle bought me 1 for my 15th birthday and then when he gave up ferreting he gave me the one's he had.I had forgot all about them.

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I wish I would come across a find like that! :laugh: I must get round to cleaning that bottom room out.... :laugh:


I've got a room like that! Full of mostly missus's shit but my old computer etc is in there. It's in the whelping box.......Pups are 13 month old now. Need a skip methinks! Cheers, D.

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