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Moderators, could we possibly

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Have a frequently asked questions forum pinned at the top of the page?


It seems that over the past few weeks, we've had several topics coming up asking the same thing- "can we use this, can you do that, etc etc", and it's making the forum a much less interesting place than it was!


I know that many of these questions are coming from younger members, or new keepers- and there is a fabulous wealth of knowledge and experience on this board- but I think it'd make sense to have an FAQ, or just a slab of information at the top of the page to be used as reference.


Between us on here, we'd certainly come up with probably the most comprehensive guide to keeping ferrets ever!


Just an idea...



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in an ideal world, would'ent life be so simply, but as kay has already mentioned, it dont matter weather we have one or not, questions will still get posted, new members young or old, will either use the excuse that they dont know how to use a computer, or they cant be bothered to do a search for the answers they need, and a seperate post will be put up, giving mods more work having to move them

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If its pinned the same questions will be asked on the board




On 'another forum' there's currently at least 4 threads on biting kits, despite the subject being in the FAQs section.


God i said summat right on this section :o:laugh:

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Guest hyperion
in an ideal world, would'ent life be so simply, but as kay has already mentioned, it dont matter weather we have one or not, questions will still get posted, new members young or old, will either use the excuse that they dont know how to use a computer, or they cant be bothered to do a search for the answers they need, and a seperate post will be put up, giving mods more work having to move them


ive got to say i looked in the q and a section before i put my post up and there seemed to be very little in there!

plus its all good having a seperate section for newbies to ask questions but how many people who know what there talking about would bother to look in there?

hope you dont think me rude but its just a case of dont ask dont get told a lot of the time!

im picking my new ferrets up on friday and ive got a million and one questions though mostly about working them, ive been finding i can answer most of my questions just by topic searches!

keep up the good work guys and please bear with us newbies, some times there are things we just have to ask about!


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hyperion, theres no need to worry about asking questions mate, fire away,

the above statement was to show that having a pinned topic, would not stop other topics being started, as an example, we have a pinned ailments section at the top, which i put there after a few members said it was needed, members can post advice, ask questions etc in there, is it used, is it feck, they just start a new topic in the un pinned section


if too many topics are pinned, it leaves about 5 lines for normal posts, meaning within hours questions/stories etc would be on the 2nd page, and I bet most folk simply look at the 1st page, look in the airgun section to see what i mean

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