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i was just wondering if anyone knows of a good way to catch a cat, i have 2 fantail doves that will no longer go into their nest box as they are being terrorised by a big black moggy, i just need to catch it and re educate it in the errors of its ways :nono: the wife says im obsessed with it as i always seem to be looking for it,i have let the dogs out to frighten it but it sits on top of the shed purring it ugly head off. i need help before it turns me into a man possesed!!!!! i have looked at traps that are for sale but i have no confidence in any of these as i have not tried them for myself, surely someone else has had this problem

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Who's cat is it if it's ferral sod what the neighbours say.I've a few doves myself and if any cat comes near my garden the dogs get a run,i'd squirt it with the hose pipe myself but would tell the owner(if there is one and explane why)non leathal at this time not so next!.

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If you can get near it at all, might I suggest a fairy liquid bottle with water and mustard mixed, squirt the pest. The smell is off putting to them and when they lick their fur...they won't come back.


The cage is a good method , a cat will enter a box or cage very easily.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Owner of cat think there cat should have the right to go any where and do any thing they like because there free sprits, water gun my arse get some thing with lead in it, or trap them at night when no one around to see, and if a cat should accidentaly pass away while in the trap lay them on the road not to far away and I sure some one will run over it and then it looks like an accident

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