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Coursing Breeding question

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I have a litter due tomorrow out of my old bitch, i can trace the breeding every generation for the last 25 years upto the point I get to a dog called Rebel. every body has heard of the Merlin X Eve litter but Eve also had a litter to a dog called Rebel from that litter there was a top match dog called Bow (great grand sire to my bitch ) . Does any body know how Rebel was bred?

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Yes Bow was owned by him, we had two bitches served by two of his dogs 'Blaze' ( Merlin X Eve ) and 'Bow' ( Rebel x Eve ) but I can't remember how Rebel was bred .Both litters are a major factor in my bitches makeup so it would be nice to find out how he is bred for the new owners of the pups.

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I served my bitch with Champion Whippet x Greyhond Sire 'Wor John' (Number 1 sire in the country see whippet news ) and she is by a dog out of Blaze to a bitch out of Bow to a bedlington x greyhound type bitch to Nipper. she is a wooly coated type.Clipped out for work. her blood is satcherated with Merin X Eve and with the demise of coursing on the fens hense the chosen sire.

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