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new lamp different dog

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just bought a new lamp,a nightsearcher 750,and it has changed my pups way of running.my old lamp i thought was holding him back not being powerful enough we were losing rabbits mid run,and for fear of ruining him for good i forked out for a new bit of kit.even though it was very still last night with a full moon and no cloud cover we set out,after a half hour and only seeing a couple close in to the hedge i thought of turning back but we were there now and i am ever the optimist.eventually the cloud did roll in with a soft shower and after a couple of close runs with the pup just missing out we started to get the hang of all this extra beam.we ended the night with five good runs and three bunnies in about an hour and a half as i was only slipping him on the closer rabbits,a more experienced dog could of had 10 times that amount of runs but since my old lamp he seems a bit low in confidence saying that though after the first catch he really seemed to sharpen up.all in all money very well spent.

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Guest buster321c

Nice one mate , was gonna go out myself last night but like you said , the moon was pretty full and there was no cloud cover :thumbdown: mind you loooks like its gonna be overcast today , so wee will see how tonight goes :thumbs:

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