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Using a Vesectomised Hob (Hoblet) ?

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Hi all, i currently have 2 jills and 1 castrated hob and i have gained some new permission with many large warrens. I want a few more jills to spread the work out on a full day but was wondering what the ins and outs of using a hoblet to bring the jills out of season are? Also [bANNED TEXT] are the costs of having the vasectomy done?

And what is the procedure for the mating, Do u take the hob to the jill???


Any advice wud be much appreciated


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Woodshavings, we get tons of it free from the local mill, we put it in with the store cattle so it mkes sence to use for the Ferrets. Never had a problem and they like it deep so they can play Tremours :good:


Regards Rob

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Dear Shaun :D


The cost of a Vasectomy varies from surgery to surgery, you should be looking to pay within the region of between £50 to £70. Don't forget all procedures which involve anaesthetics carry a risk, so there is a possibility of losing your Hob.


Bandit :good:

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Dear Shaun :D


Sorry for not putting this in my first reply, heavy cold fuddling my brain.


It is customary and a recognised practice to take the Jill to the Hob, be warned though,when amoretto looses his bow a violent and noisey affair will ensue. Not to put it too bluntly it would appear to us that the Hob is raping the Jill. He will seize his intended mate by the scruff and forcefully drag her into his quarters and carryout the act of union with much con brio. Don't be alarmed, this all very natural.


After the union, which could last up to an hour, remove the Jill from the Hob but return her daily until she comes out of heat. After every session check the Jill for "loves bites" around her scruff and treat accordingly.


My statement about the number of times the Jill is offered to the Hob is a much debated one, I should like to here others opinions on this matter. If you think latterally the wild Polecat will meet her mate and depart after the act, then if she has not conceived she will look to be mated again. However with Ferrets the Jill has no option but to be mated again and again as she has no escape, therefore she may have conceived but is being put through this ordeal until she shows signs to the owner of ovulation, the vulva decreasing in size.


All the best


Bandit :good:


P.S. If I have forgotten anything please do excuse me as I have a dreadful cold.

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Dear shaun :D


For one Vasectomised Hob to service six Jills should not be a problem, space out the pairings so as not to overexert the lucky fellow.

Imagine yourself going at it day after day, you would soon lose condition. Yes I know that last statement will bring some crude replies. You might want to up his feeding very slightly as well.


All the best


Bandit :good:

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  Bandit said:
Dear Shaun :D


The season is over for me now. PM me your location, to see if you live anywhere near me for the next season.


All the best


Bandit :good:




Sent location mate :good:


Also during the off season like october time would it be ok if i put the hoblet in the large cage and run with the jills???? cheers

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Dear Shaun :D


There shouldn't be a problem with that at all, just ensure all of the Jills are out of season. But if you are using him as a "liner" i.e. using him to move Jills off a kill whilst hunting on a marked cord, it is best to keep him away from the Jills altogether.The last statement is up for debate, it is down to each operators preference.


All the best


Bandit :good:

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  Bandit said:
Dear Shaun :D


There shouldn't be a problem with that at all, just ensure all of the Jills are out of season. But if you are using him as a "liner" i.e. using him to move Jills off a kill whilst hunting on a marked cord, it is best to keep him away from the Jills altogether.The last statement is up for debate, it is down to each operators preference.


All the best


Bandit :good:



i have always used collars so wouldnt no where to start with a liner hob :(


i would probs just stick 1 off season jill in with him, keep him company lol


cheers mate :good:

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