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stolen idea

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Cant remember who gave us the idea of putting hanging baskets in their court,but glad i did it other day.My poleys are loviing it.keeps em amused for ages.So whover had the original idea thanks :victory: btw im sure it was kay who 1st p[osted the idea


I posted the ferrets in an old bra , not the hanging basket, i think it was Sue :)

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Im glad you like the idea,these are mine in their hanging basket .Thats the good thing about these sites you can swap ideas so if anyone else has any other ideas i would be happy I like to keep changing them about keeps the ferrets amused and not bored.And malt giving the ferrets a ash tray ,what next a TV and a bar for drinks lol







PS my bras are not big enough for the ferrets lol

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And malt giving the ferrets a ash tray ,what next a TV and a bar for drinks lol






PS my bras are not big enough for the ferrets lol

Well it looks a mess when they leave dog ends all over the floor in there Sue! :laugh: They keep on about me putting Sky TV in there for them, but they need to learn to behave first. i.e. Not legging it the minute the roof of their court blows off.. :censored::laugh:

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And malt giving the ferrets a ash tray ,what next a TV and a bar for drinks lol






PS my bras are not big enough for the ferrets lol

Well it looks a mess when they leave dog ends all over the floor in there Sue! :laugh: They keep on about me putting Sky TV in there for them, but they need to learn to behave first. i.e. Not legging it the minute the roof of their court blows off.. :censored::laugh:



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