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Howdy from Texas!

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I'm new to the forum, have had terriers for 12 years and have been hunting with them for eight. I also have a new Deutsch Drahthaar, and a Ridgeback that goes out with my terriers. I'm just here to gather wisdom and find a husband. Just kidding, one was enough, but I would love to make new friends and maybe reconnect with old ones!


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I thought Texas had been evacuated ?? You there on your own ??


Yep it's just me and the terriers! We are hanging tough haha! Not really, Texas is a huge state and I live in the North Central part, where all the evacuees are coming to seek shelter. It will hit here but only as a tropical storm (lots of rain and wind).

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Guest buster321c

Well hiya from the uk , where all the evacuees, and shits , and general b*****ds from europe are coming to seek shelter with their hands out and putting nothing back in !! Anyway hiya , welcome to the site :thumbs:

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Well hiya from the uk , where all the evacuees, and shits , and general b*****ds from europe are coming to seek shelter with their hands out and putting nothing back in !! Anyway hiya , welcome to the site :thumbs:

Oh most of those folks are already here from the last big hurricane that hit the neighboring state 3 years ago so I figure we don't have that much left to give haha! You guys are funny, my friend said I would love this forum. I was over in Wales once in the winter (it's been 8 years ago now), boy was it rainy! I'd like to come back in the summer to actually do some site seeing. I was there to foxhunt and it was amazing, but my gosh the mud.

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