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bull x

Guest smashygadge

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Personaly i wouldnt use EBT blood mainly due to all the health problems in the breed...i have never understood the obsession with using pit blood in a BullX i mean at the end of the day the dogs is basically going to be used on fox and the odd muntjak...so why would you need a game bred pit?...a bit like using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut if you ask me...as far as Staffords go well theres Staffs and then theres Staffs...theres plenty of well bred staffs in their pure form capable of dealing with fox. the grey blood just giving em the speed to be more efficient about the job...just how it looks to me...but hey what the f**k do i know about lurchers! :clapper:


:hmm::hmm::hmm: After reading that, I'm wondering too!!! :whistling:



Obvously you run yours on big game out there on the plains of liverpool?...or you telling me you need a BullX for bunnies? :hmm:...its not only in this country BullX's get worked and not eveywhere has our laws on hunting...like i said just how it looks to me...an opinion...its what a forum's all about ;)

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there is nothing wrong with the white ebt's,has long as there're bred from colour'd or have colour on one side,saying that if they are white bred down from white gen after gen,then you'll end up with problem's.


Back in the 1930's the English bull was in such a state that they bred the Stafford back into it to give the breed a bit of spirit this breeding program produced the coloured bull terrier...most of the EBT that i can think of that have made any sort of good worker have been to some degree coloured bull terriers..ie 'red hand of ulster'...many say the working ability in those dogs came from the Stafford side of the genes.................................................so why not just use a decent Stafford?? :thumbs:

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