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Big Cats in the UK?????

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Ok to start with i am not a fruit cake or some complete nutter & i know my animals especially british wildlife ( or so i would like to think.. )


heres how it started


I was out about two months ago down near otterspool lane watford & i was speaking to the farmer there and he was telling me he had 17 or so sheep killed since November last year & he thought it was dogs? maybe i thought as there is a public pathway & allways dogs around but seventeen??? thats a few & you think he would have seen one of them by now yet he has not, so a couple of weeks later i am down there in a quite secluded area with the dogs & a view going upwards over the field & theres a clearing at the top i can see ( the suns just going down ) & i see something that i could not explain, i dont have a fecking clue what it was, it was as big if not bigger than my American Bulldog but the only think i really noticed was its walk it kinda strolled of into the tall are of the field in a trot like a emglish bulldog kinda thing like a horse pig or dear i say it a slow big cat trot lol & i dont have a fecking clue what it was & its just got me going crazy trying to work out what it was.


Well today i was looking on the net about boars in the UK & big cats & came across this bbc & some videos someone has posted & i was wondering what people thought the animals were in these video captures... Tell me what you think?





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oh & just to add i dont mean a "big cat" like the one in the Sun newspapar the other day that looked like a little pet cat.. & they put that pic in the sun for fecks sake, did anyone see that picture of the pet cat lol.


I also think alot of the sighting are just dogs but watch those clips & look at the tail length & stride patern.. interesting shite I think

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oh & just to add i dont mean a "big cat" like the one in the Sun newspapar the other day that looked like a little pet cat.. & they put that pic in the sun for fecks sake, did anyone see that picture of the pet cat lol.


I also think alot of the sighting are just dogs but watch those clips & look at the tail length & stride patern.. interesting shite I think

do ye have a link to the videos pal

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