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What a start to the season.


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well the day started of at the back of 6 when lee came down for me we then went of and collected the clients we then set of to the ferreting ground ready for a day bolting to the gun. at about 8am we arived at the farm got our selfs ready and made our way out we worked 3 ferrets my new sandy jill a young poley and an albino hob my young poley wasnt intrested but its only a few times he has been out but the wee jill whom i was given on friday got stuck right in as did the albino hob and bye half past 12 we had 41 accounted for would have had more but the guns were a bit asleep and missed countless rabbits but we were happy enough with the outcome as were the clients the spaniels made picking them up at the end of the day short work so it was of back to the farm for out dinner and a photo and of home just spent 2 and a half hours gutting and skining the rabbits and 20 odd woody's ill put the piks up later once they are on the pc but what a day im of againe in the morning for pigeon so no rest for the workers out here.

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all in all it was a good day out got to try out my new jill and its always good crack with lee anyways but when you get a decent bag at the end of it its all good. the rabbits are only any use for dog food but it saves on the feed bill whitch keeps the wife of the back.

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Well it was great to have you along with us today Kreet many more day's to follow this one over the next couple of month's. As kreet say's the final bag was 41 rabbit's for over 200 shot's and plent missed by my dainsh client's quite a surprise as client's form this country can shoot but it was there 1st time ever at bolting rabbit's


As i said mateif you want to come out more and give me a hand your more than welcome and maybe down the line you might be at it full time with me.


I was thinking about you out your back doing all them rabbit's and pigeons better you than me bro it least they are not going to waste eh


Photo of client's with today's bag of rabbit's so much for what our rival ANDREW RICHARDSON say's we have plenty clients and all happy client's





See you in the morning Kreet



Edited by wildfowler-2007
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