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I've got a problem with my black lab (2 yrs old) and ESS (1.5 yrs old) - both dogs drop the the dummies before getting to me. I have tried to get them to hold onto to it without forcing it, holidng it in their mounths whilst rubbing their chest, but they both seem unhappy with holding anything in their mouth. I have tried large dummies, two sizes of Air Kong's and tennis balls. I've also turned my back and move away from them as they approach me, but to no avail.


Should I be secenting the dummies???


All comments welcome

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I've got a problem with my black lab (2 yrs old) and ESS (1.5 yrs old) - both dogs drop the the dummies before getting to me. I have tried to get them to hold onto to it without forcing it, holidng it in their mounths whilst rubbing their chest, but they both seem unhappy with holding anything in their mouth. I have tried large dummies, two sizes of Air Kong's and tennis balls. I've also turned my back and move away from them as they approach me, but to no avail.


Should I be secenting the dummies???


All comments welcome


If its only become a problem recently youve bored them to death with dummies..





If there keen to get a retrieve ie they go out find it then drop it at your feet try fresh rabbit skin on dummy ,try alternate retrieve game with hiding dummys give them small blinds loads of praise ..dummy launcher or starter pistol ,may revitalise there interest .. try opening a gate stand in the lee of the gate so acts as a funnel dog got to come in ...but dont overdue it. If it works just do it once leave for a few days dont do again..just leave it

place a dummy as they walk on heel behind you dont send them for the dummy sit them up send one back repeat with other dog give praise and maybe a bribe like a titbit sparlingly when dummy given correctly..Water retrieve u on bank as soon as dog comes out of water kneel down and take dummy load of praise



best one find a set of stairs like at beach or long steep bank drop a tennis ball down stairs bounces down send the dog if the dog drops the ball ensure it is knocked down the stairs again the dog will usually twig that the ball dropping down on floor and down stairs equals another energetic trip..





regards Steve



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Dogs sometimes drop dummies and game short of their owner if they are lacking in confidence: they need to have complete trust in their handler, and they also need a perfect recall first!

Try going back to basics: getting the fast, enthusiastic recall: give food treats to begin with, and very occasionally thereafter just to keep the stimulus going.


Then try playing with an object: an old plastic water bottle, empty. Roll it around your feet, tease the dog with it, but don't let it grab hold. When the dog is well and truly desperate to grab it, throw the object just a couple of yards, the dog should run and grab it, then call the dog in. You will have been using voice to get the dog wound up right from the start: "What's this then?!" etc. Loads of excited praise when the dog grabs the bottle, calling it to you, don't worry if it drops short at this stage, just keep repeating the exercise in as mad and excited a way as you can.


Dogs react to how you are in yourself: if you go all stressed and worried and over serious, then the dog will start to worry too. It has to be fun: loosen up, chill out and have some fun: don't bother about perfect retrieves at this stage: what you are trying to do is to get the dog to have fun: that fun involves playing with you, but the object is your toy, and only to be used when your'e playing this game.


I also encourage an unconfident dog to play tug of war with me: and the only way it can play that game is by bringing me the toy: use an old knotted towel for this. Keep things light and cheerful, don't let go of the towel once the dog has brought it to you, and be prepared for the unconfident dog to not dare to play tug of war to begin with. Drag the towel around your feet, keep saying things like "Get it then!", really encouraging the dog. Then lots of "Good dog" once the dog grabs the towel.


If you can get the dog to be almost obsessive with this tug of war game then you are most of the way to getting the dog to bring things back to you: it knows it will have fun when it does.


Only when you've had a good game of tug of war for a few seconds/minutes do you say "Give", very gently. Repeat the whole game once then put the towel/toy away. A lot of dogs are put off the whole retrieving thing cos the owner makes it too serious.


The above has worked for me with several dogs: hope it helps.


Edited to add: just read your post again: you say they are unhappy holding anything in their mouths: does that mean they start to retrieve, then spit the dummy out? Watch the dog's eyes when it starts bringing the dummy to you: does the dog look worried? Is it glancing from side to side? You could also try standing sideways on to the dog: the dog will see you as less of a threat if you are not staring and standing directly facing it: avert your eyes. You could also try lying/sitting down on the ground: again, less of a threat. But I'd try the playful approach first: and don't expect miracles over night: problems take a long time to put right as the dog has to get over whatever caused it to feel unhappy about retrieving to you in the first place.


Did you ever shout at the dog because it wasn't coming in fast enough? Did you fail to be really encouraging? Did a retrieve ever go wrong because of some external factor? The fact that both your dogs are the same seems to imply a training problem: in which case go back to the top of my post! Good Luck!

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