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what ratter?????


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morning all mannage to get out last night it was dry for the first time in 8 days shit weather. hit the fileds and only seen 2 rabbits 1 i hit the other legged it (lucky) so then moved to the barns and got two rats but my set up is just to big for close range shooting can anyone recomend a good ratter thats not co2. bit of a bad night but the ferrets where pleased with there rabbit lunch. :victory:

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bought a brocock independent for£50 of a friend just for shooting

close range rats, open sights break barrel, easy to load and for that price dont matter if it gets wet or covered in shit :bad: its about 11.5 ft/lbs and accurate its great for rats even on the move!

cheers :thumbs: t25

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Depends on what sort of conditions you intend to shoot in. If it's indoor, and solely for the purpose of shooting rats, don't be so quick to discount the Crossman ratcatcher. They're lower power for a reason, that reason is so that it is less likely to damage your surroundings.

If you want something that can do a bit more, I'd suggest a carbine model of any other air rifle, (don't matter what make or model) over a full length model, & open sights, which will give you quicker target acquisition.

Something like a second hand BSA supersport carbine would do the trick. :thumbs:

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I know you said not CO2 - but you cant beat a Crossman Ratcatcher - thats why they are called Ratcatchers - made for the job - immensley pointable - and has the power to deal with rats up to about 25 yard - but most ratting is done betwen 10-20 yards anyway.


We use them in a team in the dairy sheds - regularly get hauls of over 40 a night.


If you do get one, just stick a torch on top or a laser - helps in targeting - cos you gotta be quick !!



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