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Should I get my ferrets vaccinated?

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Ferrets can catch most cat and dog maladys and also human influenza. Having said that I've never had any of my ferrets inoculated against anything and none of them have had unatural deaths, and I don't know anyone whos has inoculated their ferrets. Good husbandry and keep your ferrets away from shows if you suspect any outbreaks of disease in the area.

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Hi, i do not vaccinate my ferrets.

But there are some people who do, one collumist of the sporting gun magazine apparently does all his. So it is done, but not often.

I supose it is like like any other descision, it is based on risk assessment. (likelyhood x consequences) or (cost vs benefit)

So it is your choice.


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Hi, i do not vaccinate my ferrets.

But there are some people who do, one collumist of the sporting gun magazine apparently does all his. So it is done, but not often.

I supose it is like like any other descision, it is based on risk assessment. (likelyhood x consequences) or (cost vs benefit)

So it is your choice.



Matt are you sure you aint a health and safety officer?Only time i hear risk assesment is from one of them ;)


Never had them jabbed and prob never will unless ov course they start gettin bird flu or that lol

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You want to whip them down to the vet straight away and get them vaccinated,wormed,claws trimmed and ears cleaned mate crap like that just increase the vets bank balance and make me wonder why every ferret ive ever owned has reached double figures in age when ive done nothing to them apart from handle ,feed and keep them clean

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You want to whip them down to the vet straight away and get them vaccinated,wormed,claws trimmed and ears cleaned mate crap like that just increase the vets bank balance and make me wonder why every ferret ive ever owned has reached double figures in age when ive done nothing to them apart from handle ,feed and keep them clean




Good man thats tha answer I was hoping for.

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Hi, i do not vaccinate my ferrets.

But there are some people who do, one collumist of the sporting gun magazine apparently does all his. So it is done, but not often.

I supose it is like like any other descision, it is based on risk assessment. (likelyhood x consequences) or (cost vs benefit)

So it is your choice.



Matt are you sure you aint a health and safety officer?Only time i hear risk assesment is from one of them ;)


Never had them jabbed and prob never will unless ov course they start gettin bird flu or that lol


gamekeeper turned poacher LOL

you know the score


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Hi, i do not vaccinate my ferrets.

But there are some people who do, one collumist of the sporting gun magazine apparently does all his. So it is done, but not often.

I supose it is like like any other descision, it is based on risk assessment. (likelyhood x consequences) or (cost vs benefit)

So it is your choice.



Matt are you sure you aint a health and safety officer?Only time i hear risk assesment is from one of them ;)


Never had them jabbed and prob never will unless ov course they start gettin bird flu or that lol


gamekeeper turned poacher LOL

you know the score



lol :victory:

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